Allura and Reader: Space Mom strikes

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

      "(Y/n), report to the main deck immediately!" Allura startled me through the sound speakers. "Um..." I managed, lowering my spear. "Don't worry about it, I'll just continue training with the gladiator." Keith said. "Okay, see you at dinner." I said, then walked out of the room.

     "Alright I'm here, Allura." I said, walking into the main deck, where Allura piloted the ship. "Ah, (Y/n), you're finally here." Allura said, turning around. "Yeah, so what'd you need?" I questioned. "I need you to go get ready. We're going on a little trip." She informed with a giddy-looking smile. "Um, okay, where will I meet you?" I asked, walking backward toward the door to leave. "Meet in the bay. I already have a pod ready." She replied.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~earlier that day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     "What was one thing on your bucket list back on earth?" Pidge asked from beside me on my bed. We're playing a spin on twenty questions, we each get to ask each other twenty questions about anything, within reason. It's something Pidge and I always have done, even before she took on the identity of Pidge Gunderson.

     "Hmm..." There are quite a few things on my bucket list, but one that has been there the longest is going to a live concert. "Going to a live concert, it didn't matter who was playing I just wanted to go to one. I guess I won't get that chance now though. Seeing as we're out here in space, defending the universe, and don't know if we'll ever return home." I said sadly. "What was the scariest thing you ever did, back on earth that is?" I asked, this one being my tenth question.

  Allura's P.O.V

    "What secrets do you have for me today, my friends?" I asked, looking down at the four little mice. I listened to their squeaks with a smile. "That's definitely Lance and Keith, why can't they just get along? Shiro's working out? Figures. Hunk, that makes sense. Pidge and (Y/n), that's normal. Oh, (Y/n)'s never- that's just not acceptable. ." I said, then briskly walked away to do some research.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now, two hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  (Y/n)'s P.O.V

     "Not to complain or anything, but when are we going to get to wherever we're going?" I asked. I can't help it, it's so boring and cramped  in this pod. "We're already there, see?" Allura said, pointing to a planet I'm just noticing. The planet is completely baby blue with white clouds surrounding it. To be honest, it resembles Jupiter, just blue. "(Y/n), welcome to planet Keplar."

     "Can we even land? It looks to be entirely water." I questioned, not taking my eyes from the planet. "That's because it is. Don't worry though, our space suits will let us breathe underwater." Allura said, speeding up slightly and heading straight for the planet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A little bit later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     "Allura, what are we doing here?" I asked as we swam up to a building that looked somewhat like a theater. A very large theater that is. "Shh, just follow me. You'll know soon enough." Allura shushed, swimming into the theater.

     We swam down the halls until we entered a large room that looked like a large auditorium. It was already practically full with all sorts of aliens. Some were wearing suits similar to Allura's and mine, some weren't.

     Allura swam up to someone who looked suspiciously like a guard and whispered to him. He nodded and beckoned us into a smaller well-lit room. The guard said something, but to me, it just sounded like a series of trills.  "He wants us to take off our helmets, that way we'll be able to hear properly. Don't worry though, you can trust him." Allura said, then slid off her helmet. I felt a wave of worry crash into me, but the guard used a machine to create a bubble around Allura's head. Seeing how it turned out for Allura, I followed her example.

     "Allura, are you going to explain to me what we're doing here yet?" I asked, now we're sitting in front row seats. "Shh, look." She said, shushing me for the second time today. Allura pointed up towards the stage. I looked to see that the large, and heavy curtains were getting pulled back.

     Once the curtains were fully pulled back, I saw four women standing on the stage. They all seemed to be of the same race and age. One had long hair and green skin, the next a pixie cut with neon orange skin. The tallest had pink skin and beach waves, the shortest a fiery red with an inverted bob.

     "Oh my gosh, I did it again!" The group sang, the music starting up directly after. "I don't even know how I did that/ need a round of applause~" The tallest started. "Oh my gosh." I whispered, finally knowing why we were here. We're here for a concert. I don't know how Allura knew, but this is amazing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     "Allura, thank you so much!" I exclaimed, after the show and threw my arms around her in a hug. "You're welcome, did you like it?" She asked, hugging me back. "Did I like it? I loved it! How'd you know that I wanted to go to a concert though?" I asked, pulling away. "A little friend told me." Allura said with a shrug. I raised an eyebrow, but brushed it off.

     "This one of the best days of my life. I don't know what could top it off." I said as we started to leave for our pod. "Have you ever heard of 'Galactic Ice Cream'?" Allura asked. "No, you guys have ice cream?" I asked in amazement.  "Of course we do, now come on. They have the best ice cream ever!" Allura exclaimed, speeding up. "Hey! Wait for me!" I yelled.

[Extended ending]

      "Um... guys, where's Allura and (Y/n)?" Keith asked, as they all were sitting at the table. Everyone instinctively looked towards the two empty seats that would normally hold the oldest two females. "When the last time someone saw them?" Shiro asked after no one answered the first question. "The last  time I saw (Y/n) was when we were done training, shortly after lunch. Allura had called her." Keith said. "The last time I saw Allura was shortly after lunch as well." Coran added. "So... does that mean they've been missing ever since lunch?" Hunk asked. Silence ensued.



     Yes, Space Mom is amazing, isn't she? -Rosa (Amestris)


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