Pidge and Reader: Kathryn's wheel *Fourth of July Special*

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     The article that I've gotten the idea from and about Kathryn's wheel is right here:

  (Y/n)'s P.O.V

      I can't believe it, it's already July fourth- and I'm spending it in space. Note the salt in that comment. I should be at home, spending my summer happily with my family. I should be going to the carnival and then watching the fireworks display that follows once the sun goes down with my siblings and parents. I should be laughing and texting my friends, some of them joining up with me. I should not be sitting around in a castle that's a spaceship doing nothing.

     I looked down at the phone in my lap when I heard the familiar ding- a text notification. I don't know how, but we're still able to text, but we're only able to text those within the castle, not back to earth. I picked up my phone, pressing the home button, and saw the text was from the contact 'Pidgeon'. I opened my phone and read the text. "(Y/n), get to the bridge, you'd love this, and hurry up you slowpoke." 

     "What's so important that I have to go to the bridge, I'm comfortable in my seat. Also- I'm not a slowpoke!" I texted back while not moving from my seat. "Oh so you're lazy and slow. You have to come and see for yourself." Was the reply I got. I let out a groan and got out of my seat, quickly making my way to the bridge.

     "Where are you, you little imp?" I asked, walking into  the room. "I am not an imp!" Pidge exclaimed, popping up from behind her seat. "Says you." I said with a smirk. Pidge puffed out her cheeks in fake irritation. "Why'd you want me to come up here anyway?" I asked.

   "Oh right! Look!" She exclaimed while pointing out the large windows. Out the window was two circular solar systems colliding around them was a large ring of colors. Purples and blues and pinks even a bit of green showed up. The colors kept popping as though they were space fireworks.

     "Whoa, what is that?" I asked awestruck. "It's something like Kathryn's Wheel, where two galaxies collided exactly at the middle and when new stars are created they stir up light emissions that resemble a Catherine's wheel. Which creates the 'fireworks' you are seeing. Do you know how rare this is?" Pidge explained. "Has to be very rare, there's a very small chance that they would hit that exact point, it'd be like a bulls-eye." I said, thinking of how small the possibilities would be of running across this.

     "Why'd you only call me here?" I asked not taking my eyes from the beautiful sight. "It is the middle of the night, everyone else is sleeping and wouldn't appreciate being woke up for this. No matter how beautiful it is. Also I wanted to tell you that it's okay to be sad and missing home, especially now, and that you can talk to any of us whenever you want." Pidge said, which sounded exactly like something I'd say.

     I'm the team's emotional support you could say. Everyone comes and talks to me about how they are feeling about things or I come and talk to them how they can talk to me anytime. Heck, Shiro even comes and talks to me, especially after one of his nightmares.

     I felt my eyes tearing up. "Okay." I whispered, knowing that if I said anymore or spoke up I'd break down. This is the most I've let someone see of how I'm actually feeling and holding up. I can't let her or anyone else see more than this. I have to be strong for them as the emotional support.-

     "It's okay (Y/n), you can cry. I won't tell anyone."  Pidge said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I don't know if she thought it'd hurt my pride for people to know or if she knew I wanted or thought I had to be strong for everyone, but I took her up on her offer. I pulled her close and ended up crying into her shoulder as she rubbed my back. And you know what, I'm glad that Pidge was the one there to comfort me, I feel closer to her now, and us girls have to stick together right?


     What? Is it not Feels Friday? Sorry. But in all seriousness I wasn't planning on making it sad like that. Anyways, Happy Fourth of July! -Rosa (Amestris)  

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