Keith x Wolf! Reader x Lance: Amazing

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     Okay, so this was requested by @Alyssajj11 . Sorry it took so long, Hun. I'm going to explain something really quick so no one gets confused. You, the reader, have two different forms that you can willingly be in. A human form and a wolf form, in the story you start out in your human form. Also this is sort of an au where they never go to space and Lance and Keith have been "enemies" since they were kids.


     "Why would (Y/n) want to go on a date with you when I'm around?" Lance angrily asked an equally angry Keith. "Funny, why would she want to go with you. You would flirt with every girl you see, completely ignoring the one you're on a date with." Keith retorted.

     I sighed, resting my head in my palm. So much for spending a relaxing holiday at Aunty Allura's with all my friends. "Guys! Maybe you shouldn't fight about this right now." Hunk, who was sitting next to me on the couch, nervously suggested. "Shh, Hunk, I'm trying to teach Mullet here why (Y/n) wouldn't want to go on a date with him." Lance protested, then turned back to Keith. "That's fine guys, it's not like I'm- RIGHT HERE!" I yelled, finally having enough. I stood up abruptly and stormed out of the house.

     I sped around the back of the house and didn't stop when I reached the edge of the woods. "I can't believe those inconsiderate, rude, a- UGH." I vented as I ventured even further into the dark, cold woods. I'm not even bothering watching my surroundings, it's not like I haven't been out here before. I only bothered to stop when I realized I had stomped right into a small stream, thoroughly soaking my pants and splashing water onto my shirt. "Damn." I whispered to myself, stepping back onto the bank.

  Back with Lance and Keith

     "Good job, Guys. Bravo." Pidge said sarcastically, clapping her hands. All Lance and Keith could do was stare where (Y/n) had left. "Well, go on, fix what you did, you screw ups." Allura said, walking into the room with her hands on her hips. The "screw ups" numbly nodded their heads and hurried out of the house.

  Back to you my dear

     'I just realized something, I could go faster if I was in my wolf form. I possibly might be able to jump over the stream too.' I thought, standing up from my spot on the ground and wiping any dirt from my backside. Without any hesitation, I transformed into my wolf form.

     Just as I was about to attempt jumping over the stream I heard two rather loud gasps. In confusion I turned around to see Lance and Keith both standing from behind a bush. I suppose they might have been hiding behind there, who knows for how long though.

      "That's so cool, (Y/n)!" Lance exclaimed, running over. I backed up a bit as he sat down in front of me. Keith also came over and sat down, just at a slower pace. Lance continued to ramble on about how cool that was. "How'd you do that anyway?" He asked, watching in amazement as I changed back into a human. "I don't know, I've always been able to do it." I said with a shrug.

     Keith coughed into his hand, elbowing Lance in his side. "Ow! Oh- oh right." Lance yelped, rubbing his side. "Look, (Y/n), I'm sorry we were fighting about you like that. It wasn't right." He apologized. "I'm sorry too." Keith added. I smiled a bit and nodded my head. "It's alright, just don't do it again, or at least not when I'm around." I said with a wink. 

     "Who's up for a race back to the house?" I asked while standing up. Lance and Keith looked at each other, a competitive smirk forming on their faces. "You're on." Keith said, quickly standing up, Lance right behind him. "Good. Ready, go!" I yelled, leaving the two behind. Although they were not far behind. 


     I'm sorry if this sucked, it wasn't the best thing I've wrote. -Rosa (Amestris)

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