Chapter Two

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A harsh slap to my cheek yanked me out of the darkness of sleep. I immediately got up, looking down at the floor, knowing better than to look up or touch my burning cheek. "Ungrateful child! Shirking your duties and sleeping in the Alpha's office. I should beat you for this." Ingrid's voice was a sharp, whispered screech and I rolled my shoulder forward, clasping my hands in front of me.

The door to the office opened and the familiar footsteps of Alpha Lawrence sounded out, much to my relief. "Ingrid, leave her alone." There was a heavy warning to his tone that dared her to retaliate or to do anything more to me. "You do not get to punish anyone. You need to do your job and mind yourself." His voice was cold and sharp as he spoke to her, clipped tones that spoke of his agitation with her. I never knew where it came from, never knew what caused it. My memories were too fuzzy to focus on and I didn't want to. Ingrid would take me back to the room and I couldn't do that again. I shuddered underneath the thoughts it brought.

I could practically feel Ingrid shaking with anger. She believed I needed to be punished for my supposedly impudent behaviour. "Yes, sir." She gritted the words out and I looked at the bottom of her dress. It was the same colour of mine but it was in much better shape. I received the hand me downs from the Omegas, it was all Ingrid would give me. I cherished each one I received though. They were my possessions and I took great pains in making sure they were respectable looking despite their ragged state.

The sound of a chair creaking had me glancing towards the Alpha's desk. He settled into his chair, his sharp gaze on Ingrid. "Did you move her quarters?" He asked the question coldly and I lowered my gaze as he turned his head, as if moving to look at me.

"Yes, sir." Ingrid was grinding her teeth together and I wanted to wince. I would be punished severely for her anger. I always was.

I glanced over at him from the corner of my eyes and he was shuffling papers on his desk, seemingly ignoring us both."Section two was only partly cleaned, Ingrid. I want you to finish it before you go to bed." It was an order. I could hear it clearly and I slowly glanced at Ingrid to see that her hands were shaking hard.

She clenched them into fists and I could feel her outrage, her blatant hate she had for me and the order. "I cannot possibly clean two sections today." She said it quickly and I lifted my head slightly.

"I was more than three quarters done before the... incident. I only had linens to do, ma'am." I quickly lowered my head once more as she turned to me. All that anger was immediately directed at me and I could feel it like a heavy push against me, a hot brand against my skin that threatened to burn me to ash.

"I did not give you permission to speak, Omega." She hissed it out low and on heated tones. I lowered my head further. Even with the other Omegas I was lower than them. Ingrid made sure to remind me of it again and again.

"What did I just say, Ingrid? Leave. Her. Alone." Each word was said with a heavy shove of growling dominance that had her bowing underneath each one. "Take her nicely to her new quarters." His voice softened slightly, the dominance lessening but the order no less apparently.

Ingrid grabbed my wrist and tugged me towards the door. Her grip was painfully tight but I said nothing about it because I knew if I did the punishment would be worse. She pulled open the door and took a step. "Ease up your grip, Ingrid. I said nicely." That sharp icy edge of warning was back to his voice and Ingrid released my wrist quickly.

"I do not believe in punishing Omegas but you are testing my patience for that. You do not get to take your anger out on her. If you have an issue with my orders. You take it up with me." Each word was said slowly and seemed to be covered with crackling and frigid ice, to the point that I could see a small tremor in Ingrid's form. She feared him like I was supposed to but could not. "Do you have an issue with my order?" The question was baiting Ingrid, daring her to say yes, daring her to do something, anything against her Alpha.

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