Chapter Five: Part Two

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"Please excuse my bluntness but I am very tired." I wanted to curl up and sleep. I was lucky that the empty aching in my chest had almost lessened as if the distance had helped alleviate some of it.

"Of course you are. Let me take you to your room." With that I was once again cradled to his chest as he carried me down the hall and pushed open a door. The room was warm and he set me on a soft bed before turning on a bedside lamp. A cheery glow filled the space. The bed looked more comfortable than the ones the regular pack members had, even softer than Alpha Lawrence's. I felt almost hesitant to stay on it. "Is it alright?" Davin looked uncertain and I nodded, looking at the hardwood floor.

"It is very nice, thank you. You have been very kind to me." I held my hands in my lap and Davin picked one up, feeling the rough skin with his fingers. I couldn't remember the last time they had been soft. There was a large scar on my palm from the glass vase I had slashed it on.

He brushed his thumb over the angry looking mark, looking like he wanted to ask about it before he set my hand back down. "Wait right here, alright?" He looked at me as if expecting a response but I said nothing, lowering my head as he left the room.

I smoothed my hand over the blanket, hating how my chapped skin caught on the soft fabric slightly. The door crept open and a blonde head peeked in. Collin's mischievous brown eyes twinkled as he came fully into the room. He jumped on the bed, nearly bouncing me off. He wrapped an arm around me waist to prevent me from falling off the bed. I stiffened before he removed his arm. I could feel him moving around and I quickly glanced behind me to see him staring at me with the familiar cheeky smile on his face.

"Hey, sugar. Mind sharing?" He wiggled his eyebrows before I quickly turned my face to hide my flushed face.

"Collin, get off of the bed and how many times do I have to tell you to stop flirting with Maricella?" Davin was back, holding a small tin in his hand as he sat on the bed beside me. He let out a little grunt as Collin kicked him in the side. I flinched at the action but they didn't seem to notice.

"Probably a lot more and I don't want to." His voice was muffled as if he had buried his face into the pillows, The screaming voice in my head kept me from looking over to see if he had.

"Sadly, you aren't going to be able to get rid of him. He's sunk his over-bearing teeth into you and he won't let go for anything." Davin said the words carefully as he opened the tin and swiped his finger through the sweet smelling paste inside of it. I felt an arm go around my waist before I was tugged to the middle of a bed. I gave a short cry of surprise at the action, my eyes wide. Collin chuckled as he sat up beside me and reached over my lap to grab the tin.

"No one likes this one because it smells too flowery." Collin took some of the paste and grabbed my hand before slowly rubbing it into my skin. "It will work perfectly for you." He sat cross legged as he rubbed the paste into my thin fingers. Davin picked up my other hand and started rubbing the paste into the back of it. "Don't be so stiff, sugar. We aren't going to bite. We are just making your hands as soft as they should be." Collin grabbed more paste and I watched as he spread it across my palm.

"I could do it." I resisted the urge to pull my hands from their grips. It made me uncomfortable. If I believed Bennett had made me uncomfortable, this was far words than that. He never jad prolonged contact with me like they were doing.

Davin gave a small chuckle. "Even if you wanted to, Collin prides himself on being a gentleman so he would do it regardless. Probably tie you to the bed to accomplish his task." There was a faint smile on his face and despite the feeling of being uncomfortable, I liked how his hands massaged mine. My hands had been hard at work for years, they had never really been pampered before. It was a very strange feeling but a nice one.

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