Chapter Thirteen: Part Two

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I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that until her stomach growled loudly, startling us both. She giggled slightly and I pushed her hands from her face as I wiped her tears for her. She was my cousin's mate, a cousin who was more like a brother. I wanted to make sure she was safe and cared for because she meant the world to him. That and the fact that the instant I had seen her I had wanted to protect her. It had been a bone deep urge for me that I had been incapable of ignoring.

"Are you hungry?" I cupped her face in my hands and she gave a small nod and I nodded in agreement. Even without my wolf I could sense Uncle Jace downstairs. I didn't want to walk down into there, not when the fear of him still lingered. My wolf was more than tense at the thought.

I let my hands drop from her face. Davin, your mate is hungry and would like something to eat. I could feel his eagerness over the link and chuckled softly. An ache entered my chest when I realized how eager I would be to help Bennett with something. I needed to see him. Bring Bennett with you. I felt his hesitation at that and I wanted to roll my eyes but refrained.

His hesitance disappeared rather quickly. Does Bailey want anything in particular? His voice was almost tentative as he asked it and I honestly wasn't sure how to respond to it.

I frowned slightly as I turned to look at Bailey, who was back to picking at the comforter. I thought back to what she had eaten previous and a smile tugged at my mouth as Bennett inadvertently provided the answer. A peanut butter and jam sandwich, cookies and a large glass of milk. Bring enough for four people. I wanted to laugh at his confusion but I didn't as I flopped backwards onto my bed.

I don't understand. He was frowning but I could hear the faint sounds of cupboards opening in the kitchen from my place on the bed. He must not have been too confused because he was making the food anyway.

You and Bennett are going to eat with us. I could feel his immediate excitement at my words and I chuckled slightly. Even my wolf was amused at his child like glee at the thought of spending more time with his mate.

"Bennett and Davin are going to eat with us. Is that okay, Bailey?" I turned my head to look at her and she glanced at me before looking back at the blanket she was trying her best to mangle with her short fingernails.

"Yes, ma'am." Her tone was timid and I wrinkled my nose at the title. I seriously didn't like being called that, it brought to mind Ingrid.

"Its Mari. I don't want to overwhelm you with new things all at once. Just let me know if you are tired or uncomfortable." I looked back at the ceiling with a sigh. Everything felt different. My felt different. There was something in me that had changed or snapped loose. It was strange and a bit alarming for me.

"I wish I was a strong as you." Bailey's voice was soft and I scoffed lightly before looking at her.

"You are." I watched as she met my gaze with an incredulous look on her pixie like face.

"No. Your wolf challenged your Alpha." She said it with disbelief, as if unwilling to believe that someone could have done that and to be honest, two years ago I would have felt the same way.

"Yes but he scared me and was acting like kind of a dick." I gave slight chuckle at the choking squeak she let out at my words. My face went a slight red, I wasn't really used to calling him names but he did deserve it. "Uncle Jace expects people to call him names or insult him and if he ever deserved to be called a name, it would be today. He was cruel and unkind." I frowned at the thought of my uncle and pushed it away as a knock sounded on the door. I could smell Bennett and both I and my wolf perked up at the scent. Without waiting for an answer the door opened and Davin walked in with a plate of sandwiches and cookies. I watched as Bailey's face lit up at the sight, her stomach growling once more.

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