Author's Note

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(Song- Red Ribbon by Madilyn Bailey, recommended by geet1500)

I know it is such a strange place to end a story but I never intended to write a drama filled tale with villains and evil. This was more of a snap shot of the life of a young woman gripped with trying to figure out her inner demons and finding out that love can be the best form of combating the demons that try to swallow us whole. This book is just one part of her life. Just one small portion of the character named Maricella Charlotte Lawrence.

I'm sorry if you do not like how it was ended or if you expected something else when you started to read this book. I never intended to disappoint but it is how it is. Maricella's life is far from exhilarating. She is no Avaline and this book is not called She-Devil. However I hope you did get some enjoyment out of the story as I got much out of writing it.

In fact the world I have written the characters in vast and wonderful and I want to spend so much more time writing about it and I believe I may. I want to write more stories that show how the Old Ways can destroy a shifter, how the Mountain Alphas choose their mates, how the bonds Mene so easily forged can be just as easily broken with one of her vessels. I want to write more stories that can give you a glimpse of Oblitus and the familiar members it has. I want to write more about the Alpha Gatherings and the feuds it has and creates and even ends. I want to write about the other types of creatures that live in this world. Vampires, witches, fae, spirits, and many more.

I hope to write more soon and I hope that each story is as easy to write as Red Ribbons was. Three months It took me to write this story. Three short months. It is astounding to me that I managed to write this tale in such a short period of time and I am happy that I managed to actually finish it. This, I hope, is the beginning to a wonderful world filled with wonderful characters but I need some time.

So until then, my dearest readers, keep on reading and I hope to be back soon with maybe a sneak-peek to a relationship that may or may not have our dearest Luka Sterling.

With warmest regards,

Anna Maria Lee Koski

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