Chapter Eleven: Part Three

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The hair on the back of my neck stood up as Ingrid's boot steps made their way across the cement floor. I felt my breath hitch in my chest as they grew faster. Memories that lingered int eh back of my mind grew hot and oppressive at my back, looming over me with what they held within them. So much pain and suffering accompanied the sound of her boots on the floor. I felt immobile, unable to move, once again the timid little Omega as she approached.

Ingrid appeared in my peripheral vision and I flinched as she struck out. There was a sound of a hand connecting with skin but it was Bailey and not me that hit the ground from the force of the blow. I watched, unable to move, as the small black haired woman whimpered on the floor, her entire body trembling as Ingrid lorded over her. "You were supposed to be back ten minutes ago, you little cow! What were you doing?" Her voice was still that piercing screech, like metal on metal. It grated on my ears and made my wolf flash her teeth in pain. "Alpha Lawrence should banish you. Leave you to the wolves that will tear you to shreds. You are ungrateful little wretch." She was shaking, her body was vibrating with her anger. It was such a familiar anger, one I had experienced again and again. Her verbally abusive tirades causing spit to fly out as her face turned red from the exertion.

I blinked, looking at Bailey as she touched her hand to the bright red mark on her face, the slap had been so harsh I could see finger marks on her pale skin. Empathy washed over me, breaking the spell that had been on me, pulling me towards her. I found myself landing on my knees in front of her to grasp her face so I could see the damage. I trailed my fingertips over the hot mark and I almost whimpered as she did. Her timid eyes met my own before they widened as she looked above me. I shifted in my spot, looking over my shoulder. I inhaled quickly in shock as Ingrid raised that familiar strap up over her head.

I didn't have time to react other than to raise my arm. The strap struck my forearm and I yelped at the searing pain as I jerked my arm back from it. It had been a very long time since I had felt that hot and burning brand that was unique to Ingrid. There was a dark rumble in the air as she brought her hand up once more. I went up to my knees as she brought it down again.

I was so tired of her haunting my dreams, so tired of her hurting people. I didn't understand why she did it, how she could.

I grabbed the strap as it came down. It slapped against my palm hard but I pushed the pain away as I yanked on it. "Stop!" Her eyes went wide with shock or realization, I didn't know which. I yanked the strap free from her grasp and stood up. "Stop hurting people, stop hurting me!" I didn't want her to play a part in my nightmares anymore. I wanted to be better and I couldn't while she lorded over me with the stupid strap. I tossed it away in disgust. "What is wrong with you? Why do you like hurting people?" There was something wrong with her, something seriously wrong with her mental state that allowed her to enjoy all the misery and torment she subjected others too.

"You!" The word was hissed out and I lifted my chin. I refused to be cowed by her anymore. I was a shaky and trembling mess on the inside but I needed to push through. I knew I could, I just needed to try. Her face twisted into a dark expression of pure hate as she looked at me. "I don't hurt people. I train miserable little beasts like you." Her face started turning that familiar red I knew and my heart lurched in my chest and the memories threatened to have my head bowing but I did my best to hold firm under the tidal wave I knew was coming.

She moved closer, looming over me once more. "I should kill you for trespassing you little bitch." There was a gleam in her eye, a gleeful look from her feral, blood crazed wolf, that let me know she wanted to do just that and I felt my face whiten. I wasn't a trained warrior, I barely knew how to protect myself. "You should have stayed dead." She spat the words out as she raised her hand, dark claws extended but as much as I wanted to flinch, to bow out and hunker away and wait for the nightmare to be over, I knew I couldn't. Not this time.

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