Chapter Eleven: Part Two

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"Victor has him." My voice was surprisingly calm as I watched Victor force the wolf towards the front of the house. I could almost hear the aggressive snarling and pain filled yelping from my position. I didn't like the sounds. The violence and pain within them stirred up too much within me.

"Pardon, Mari?" Uncle Jace seemed startled at my words, as if he hadn't expected me to speak on it.

I looked over my shoulder at him, my eyes wide and I swallowed against the lump in my throat that those sounds brought me. "Victor. He is dragging a wolf from the woods. He is most likely going to kill him as the wolf is most likely Beta John." At my words I watched as Uncle Jace, my father and Angie bolted from the room. Bennett stayed in his place and I looked at him. "Aren't you going to go?" I didn't want to be alone but I did not want Bennett to lose his chance as seeing the male who hurt me so badly pay for his crimes.

"No." It was a simple word that I should have understood but I suddenly felt tears in my eyes and I locked my eyes to his blue ones. The harshness was gone and his face was gentle as he looked at me.

"Why?" The word was croaked out and he let his arms drop to his sides before he tentatively moved closer to me, as if expecting a fast movement would cause me to bolt. I could hear the snapping and snarling grow louder as did the yelping and I wanted to cover my ears. I couldn't stand the sounds. I just couldn't.

"Because I said I would be by your side and I know you do not want to see that. No matter what he did to you, I think you cannot bear to see him pay for his crimes." His voice was soft and without thinking I rushed towards him, pressing my face into his chest, my hands clutching at his shirt. His arms went around me gently and I fought the urge to sob.

"I should be happy." I hated how the words burned with truth. I should have been happy that he was getting what he deserved but I couldn't stomach seeing him ripped to shreds. I couldn't bear to see the sight of his blood pooling in the white snow. Bennett ran his hand down my head, smoothing down my curls. The action felt wonderful and calming and I let out a shudder of relief.

"You are not a person who enjoys violence. You do not need to be happy about this, Maricella. Do not try and make yourself feel what you do not wish to." His words were gentle and I was once again confused as to which of the two people he was. He was gentle and sweet, kind and soft with me but around others he was cold and harsh, demanding and emotionless.

"How do you know my name?" I pressed my cheek to his chest, listening to his heart thump strong and steady in his rib cage. It was a highly comforting sound and I slowly loosened my death grip on his shirt, feeling slightly embarrassed about my reaction to what was going on outside.

"Alpha told me a few months after you were banished." The information as surprising, my father had never told anyone other than Uncle Jace. I looked up as Bennett frowned, the expression seemed more natural on his face than a smile. "He told me about what happened to you." He glanced at me and I swallowed again, trying to rid myself of the sudden lump in my throat.

"And your stay by his side?" It was confusing, Bennett did not appear to be the type of person who would stand by an Alpha who had allowed that, an Alpha who had banished his own daughter. No matter why my father had done as he did, he had still done it. I did not know him but he did not seem like he would cater to such a person.

"It wasn't entirely his fault and he is alone without me. He has no one else he can trust. He put a lot of faith in me with his secret and I found I hated Beta John more than him, so I stay." His face had gone cold and harsh once more and I bit the inside of my cheek gently.

"How can you keep doing that?" I watched as he looked down at me in confusion, his expression softening again. It was highly confusing watching it happen and not knowing which of the males was my mate.

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