Chapter Eight

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Three months later

I stared at the tv, not truly watching it as I slowly made my way across the couch towards Davin. He didn't seem to notice until I was already halfway onto his lap. I didn't know if he pretended or was that engrossed in the tv show but it made me give a small smile. He let out a chuckle before wrapping an arm around me and tucking me close to his chest. He held me loosely as I relaxed against him. I wasn't sure what we were watching but I had a feeling it was a romance movie. There was too much flowery language and longing gazes for it to not be.

"Can we watch something else?" I hated romantic movies. I had discovered a lot of things I disliked since I had settled into a routine in the pack house. I hated carrot cake, romantic and scary movies. I hated it when someone larger than me placed a hand on my shoulder. The memory for that hadn't been a brutal as I thought but it was still wasn't pleasant. Beta John used to come into the classroom and he would stand like that, his strong fingers digging painfully into my shoulder, trying to get me to cry out so I would be punished. I knew there was a reason I disliked the male, why I didn't like being around him.

"You are one of the only girls I know who hate romantic movies. Want to watch an action movie?" He shifted slightly on the couch before I leaned forward and grabbed the remote for him before he could ask. "Thank you." He kissed my temple and I let out a small sigh as he changed the channel, not waiting for me to reply. Action movies had good guys that beat the bad guys. I liked that about them. Good always won out in the end.

I settled into my spot a bit further. I had felt a bit more comfortable around Davin and Uncle Jace in the past few months but I still wasn't completely sure. That voice was still prominent in my head and on the odd occasion I blew up. I always felt guilty for it.

I had screamed at Collin the other day because he had left his plate on the coffee table. Seeing it there and his unconcerned attitude just made something snap in me. It was like every single thing I had wanted to say to the pack members who left messes for me bubbled up and I dumped it all on him. I had hunkered down into my box afterwards and had a nap. The outbursts of rage always seemed to drain me of all my energy. I had apologized to him afterwards and he simply smiled and kissed my cheek as if to say it was alright and he had already forgiven me.

"Collin, I know you are hanging around outside of the door." Davin said it as he picked up the gaming controller and flipped through the movies we had on the gaming system. There were running footsteps and Collin jumped over the back of the couch and bounced as he landed beside us.

He gave me a wide grin as I glanced over at him. "Hey, sugar." He leaned over and pecked me on the cheek before Davin grasped his face and pushed him away. Collin didn't seem to mind the harsh gesture, he merely winked at me in response.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Collin?" Davin's voice held an edge of amusement and I knew that he knew Collin did it just for those reactions.

"Every time." He grabbed by hand, holding it gently. "Cause Sugar pie honey bunch! You know that I love yooooooouuuu!" He held onto the last note and was deliberately singing it horribly to try and get me to smile as he held my hand. I stared at him, grimacing slightly before he let his bottom lip turn into a pout. "And not a single reaction. I need to up my game." The thought made me want to shudder but I refrained as the voice in my head screeched at me for it.

"If you do that, I will be hauling you to the roof by the scruff of your neck and throwing you off of it." Davin said it calmly and I slowly stretched my legs out. I was tentative in my actions as I looked at Collin through lowered eyelashes. He smirked at the tv but lifted my legs and placed them in his lap like I had wanted. I turned to the tv as the movie came on. Collin traced nonsense patterns into my skin and Davin ran his fingers through my hair as I slowly shifted so i was lying down.

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