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A young girl, who must have been a worker here cause she was wearing bright blue scrubs, much like the woman behind the counter. She didn't look that much older than me, the other woman behind the counter looked way old, like older than my mother. You could just tell by here cheap drugstore lipstick and makeup. But the girl had dark brown almost black long hair she was slim and very fair skinned. Then the young girl greeted me and my mother. She handed me some clothes they were tan or a kaki color scrub like pants and a shirt with a pair of solid white shoes.

"Are you Mr Victor Fuentes?" She asked. I just nodded.

"Come with me" she said.

I held the clothes while she lead me around the place. I didn't wait for my mother to say anything I didn't want to hear anything she has to say to me. I'm pissed she's sending me here. So I just got up and followed the girl.

"Well Victor-" she started.

"Vic" I corrected.

The name Victor reminded me to much of my father and I don't really see him anymore and we don't get along very well so I don't like to be reminded, plus he always called me that once in a while. So there's that too.

"Well Vic, my name's Erin and I'm a nurse that's in charge of the wing, that you'll be staying in" she said.

We walked around and she showed me where everything was that I had to know about. Like the cafeteria where all the food and everything is, the therapists office, and where the group therapy sessions are held. Now she's taking me to the room where I'll be staying. She says that I'll have a roommate. She hasn't said anything about them.

We got to the door with a the number 253 on it. I noticed that it can only be locked from the outside. Then she opened it. She let me walk in first, I saw a boy sitting at a desk with his back to us. There were papers and stuff scattered all over the place, some had drawings some had words on them. Some were taped to the walls some were on the floor etc.

"Kellin, I have your roommate here, can you say hi" she said to the boy, who's name I learned is Kellin. That's an unusual name, and especially for a boy.

The boy didn't look at us he kept doing what he was doing, I don't even know if he heard her. He didn't flinch or anything. Ok whatever, I walk in further and put the clothes I was given on the bed.

"Ok well change your clothes and I'll be right here to take them from you when you come out, the bathroom is right there" she says to me pointing to a door at the other end of the room.

The room was very empty. It was just large room painted a medium grey color, there was two small windows towards the top of the room, they did have bars on the window I noticed, two beds and a desk that the kid was sitting at. I opened the door and saw your typical bathroom fixtures. Once I changed my clothes I left the bathroom and that Erin girl was sitting on one of the beds, I assumed the one I'd be using cause the other had papers on top of them so that must be Kellin's.

Speaking of which he was still exactly the same when I walked out of the bathroom, it doesn't look like he moved once. Or even noticed that either of us were in the room. I walked over to her and gave her the clothes I was wearing. That's when I noticed that Kellin was wearing the same thing I was; the tan colored scrub like clothes.

"Ok so Victor, Vic, you'll be given a new set of clothes each morning, they all look the same, which is what your wearing, everyone wears the same thing ok. Next I'll come in each morning to call you both down to breakfast, then you go off to group therapy. Then on Wednesday's after group session you'll have your one on one therapy sessions with Dr. Weeaks. Alright, then lunch is at 12:30 everyday with forty five minutes outside after. Unless it's raining. Then your all on different schedules and have free time to spend in the lounge area or whatever, but everyone is to be back at their rooms at exactly 8 sharp then with time to shower and getting ready for bed. The lights go out at 9:30 every night. Well that should be about everything you need to know for now, let me know if you need anything else" she explained to me.

A Loaded Smile - Kellic Where stories live. Discover now