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Well ever since Kellin kissed me a few weeks ago now, we've gotten closer as friends. He's a very interesting person. People have to give him a chance then he'll open up. We're in the cafeteria having lunch right now, Kellin's sitting with me, Tony and Jaime. It took a lot of convincing but he came over to sit with us. But since he's sitting with us so is Erin. Cause Kellin still needs supervision to make sure he takes his meds. But it's alright he's warming up to Tony and Jaime. He's still not talking much around them but that's his choice. I have my session with Dr. Weeaks today after this.

Now that that's over I'm on my way to his office. I said my goodbyes to my friends for the next hour, until group therapy. It doesn't take long to get there since I've been here a while now and I know where to go.

Knock, knock

"Come in" I here him say. "Ah, hello Vic, how are you today?"

"Fine" I state simply.

"Ok well I can see that your improvement over the last month, this is great Vic. You're very close to being released" he says.

My mood dropped. Wait he said release. That's all I've wanted since I got here but know that I have friends I don't want to, plus I don't know how I'm going to be out there, on my own. I don't have friends and I don't have a great family relationship, and etc.

"Well we can schedule you're release for now. But if anything changes it can always be set back or cancelled" he says to me.

"So when would that be?" I asked curiously. But also sad in a way.

"Well I'm checking my calendar, and I think about another two and a half weeks should do it" he says.

"Ok" I squeaked out.

"Why aren't you excited about you're release, if I remember correctly you wanted this since you got here?" He asks.

"I-I," I started.

"It's ok. You can tell me" he encourages.

"Ok, well it's just I don't know how I'm going to function out there. Plus I don't have friends back home, I made here, so what if I go back to how I was" I say honestly to him.

"Well Vic, I understand, you've gotten accustomed to the routine that we have here and now that you know that it's going to end it's a bit daunting, that's normal, but we have consultations with the ones that are going to help and take care of you once released, plus we set up regular therapy sessions locally to you who are going to already know your background so there's no awkwardness, you just have to jump right into it like you are now, with me. So just take things slow and stay on a schedule is all that it comes down too. But we'll go over that more the next couple of sessions ok. But try to think so much, you'll be fine Vic, I believe in you" he paused.

I just think about what he said.

"Well we'll contact your mother after our next session to make sure there are no changes then we'll set everything up, you have nothing to worry about. But that's all for today, unless you have any other questions?" He says.

"No, that's it" I say.

"Well your free to go, I'll see you in group in about an half an hour" he says to me.

"See ya" I say and head out of the office.

I decide to go back to the room to see if Kellin's there. We can just hang out then go to group in a bit. I open the door and he's not in here. Oh well, I'll just sit on my bed until I have to go. But after a few minutes I hear something coming from the bathroom. Oh so he's been in the bathroom, that's why I didn't see him when I came in.

He was arguing with himself. I'm mean like it's probably one of this hallucinations that he's talking to but I don't want to intervene cause I don't want to get in the way. He's still unpredictable when talking to them, they can influence him, in the blink of an eye. So I don't want to involve myself.

I have noticed a couple things about Kellin lately. He's talking to himself more and sorta withdrawing himself from me more than he did before. Only within the last couple days. It's a bit annoying especially when we're talking, he'll just look away and mumble to himself. I know he can't help it but I just hope he can get better and hopefully take care of himself. But the way he says it is that he'll be here forever. I don't think that, I just think that once he has the motivation to do it himself then he'll be more willing to remember things like taking his meds and thinks like that.

Also he isn't talking and being as flirty to me as much as he was the few weeks. I hope I didn't do anything wrong. With Kellin's distractions I haven't even given one thought to him in the last few months and I'm able to smile and not be an ass to everyone again.

Erin is getting very pleased with Kellin's success that she told him today, that he doesn't need supervised meals anymore. But just for me to keep an eye on him, just in case. So I'll be doing that. He didn't say anything for or against it, I hope he's feeling alright he isn't acting like himself.

He stopped talking to himself I think now should be a good time to tell him what Dr. Weeaks was telling me.

"Hey Kellin" I say speaking up.

He looks at me.

"I just got back from Dr. Weeaks' office" I say.

"Oh" he says. Now I'm getting nervous.

"Yeah, he says that I'm ready for release and he scheduled it for a couple of weeks" I say sadly. 

"Really" he says shocked.

"Mhm" I hum.

"So what's going to happen. Are you going to forget about me, are you going to actually-"

"Kellin, I could never forget about you, your like my best friend. I don't have any back home. And between you and me I don't want to go, I don't have great relations with my parents, etc. so I'd rather stay, but he says I can't" I tell him. Then I pull him into a sweet kiss to calm him down.

"What was that for?" He says.

"You were panicking and I don't want you to panic, everything will be fine, ok" I say.

"Ok" he agreed with me.


A/N: Ok so I know the last few chapters have been shorter than they were in the beginning and they'll most likely stay shorter; since there's not a lot of people not reading this story and it's not that popular, I've sort of lost motivation to write it a lot in these chapters. I will finish the story cause there's only two chapters left, but they'll not be updated for a while. But I do know how I want the story to end so, yeah. Unless the story picks up that quickly, it will mostly likely stay a short story. Also I have a new story published, please check it out! Thanks. Anyway stay awesome =)

(Sorry for my rant)

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