Chapter 09 - The Newest Royal Jerk

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“So, I was thinking.”  Kurenai began to swirl the liquid in her teacup around as she kept her eyes glued to the pigments of tealeaves at the bottom of the cup. 

“That can’t be safe.”  Asuma smirked at her across from the table.  Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai were seated at the teahouse after returning from a recent mission.  It was the beginning of the touring season and Kurenai had yet to talk to the two men about teaming up with Sayuri for escorts.  

“This is serious.”  Kurenai shot a dirty look at both of the males, confusing the innocent Kakashi.  “I was hoping we could take it easy this summer.”  Seeing that the conversation was directed at Asuma, the silver haired jounin turned his attention back to his book. 

“What do you mean?”  Asuma regarded the kunoichi with caution, this sounded like something his father would put her up to. 

“Maybe we could take on easier missions?” 

“Like babysitting like a group of genin?”  Asuma snorted and chugged the rest of his hot tea. 

“Not like that!” 

“Then what do you mean?” 

“Escorts!”  Kurenai stood up quickly, angered by the man in front of her. 

“I’ll let you two chat for a bit.”  Kakashi gave a closed eye smile before disappearing in a puff of smoke. 

“Escorts?  Really?  You think escorts are easy?”  The Hokage’s son leaned back in his chair and looked at his Kurenai with confused eyes. 

“They’re better than running around like everyone else is doing.” 

“Sarutobi put you up to this, didn’t he?” 

“It’s not like that-”

“Tell me, what is it like?”  Asuma growled out lowly. 

The last escort they had been on resulted with him nearly killing the pompous brat because he kept making advances on Kurenai.  That was before they were seeing each other!  If that happens this time, I won’t be able to control myself.  Asuma reasoned, wanting desperately not to take on any escort missions that could result with Kurenai being swept away by a wealthy prick. 

“The Hokage has a special unit every year that escorts a wealthy patron and one of the Leaf’s geisha to the escort’s destination.”  Pausing to make sure that he wasn’t about to explode, Kurenai continued.  “He selected us and the geisha is a close friend of mine that requested us specifically.”  At the end of her short explanation, Asuma had calmed down.  The escort they would be protecting would either go after the geisha or Hatake, it could work. 

“Is Kakashi in on this too?”  If the other jounin knew before him, Asuma was going to have to share some colorful words with his father. 

“I was hoping you could convince him to join us.”  A smug smile placed itself on the jounin’s lips before he leaned over the table and caught Kurenai’s lips with his. 

“Can do.”  He mumbled on her lips as he pulled away an inch.  A light blush colored the kunoichi’s face before she looked down at her empty cup. 


“Your first potential escort is here today.”  The Hokage grumbled around his pipe to the geisha that was sitting on her knees on the plush cushion.  A small black dog sat on her lap, one of her clones. 

“Lord Hokage, I was hoping to take a break from escorts when Sasuke passes the Academy.”  A frown appeared on his wrinkled face. 

“Sayuri.”  He sighed and placed his smoking pipe on the desk. 

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