Chapter 14 - I See in Slow Mo

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On the return trip to the village, Sayuri counted over twenty-three ‘bumps’ as Kakashi claimed.  The Hokage took the news of the squad knowing of her identities well and stated it was good for her to have more than just a few people knowing the ‘real’ her.  Sasuke was furious that she had ignored him when she was being held hostage instead of the Prince but forgave her after a good meal.  (Didn’t feel like boring all of you with this possible four page snippet that I don’t even want to read.) 

“Two weeks without any escort missions.”  Sayuri hummed with a slight smile on her face as the Hokage puffed on his pipe while staring at the papers in front of him. 

“I have a few if you would want.”  The act she had pulled of playing dead had resulted with the woman not being allowed to escort any nobles near the other major ninja countries.  For those fourteen days the geisha was sent out on solo assassination missions that would take a day or two each. 

“I’m fine.”  She held her arms up to defend herself from the possible annoyances in the form of men with more money than sense. 

“Lord Hokage!”  A low ranking ninja burst through the door, deeply breathing as if he had just run through the entire village.  “The Elder’s grandson was kidnapped!  It was said to be by a squad of Sound ninja.”  Sayuri eyed the man in front of her with cautious eyes.  The Sound ninja were never good news.  The fact that they were the ones responsible for kidnapping a child didn’t sound out of the ordinary. 

“I will handle it accordingly.”  Sarutobi pulled his pipe away from his mouth and held it front of his lowered head as he plotted the rescue mission.  Seeing that he was no longer needed, the other ninja left the room with dragging feet. 

“What will you do?”  The geisha questioned after a few moments of indecisive silence. 

“There is only one Elder that has a grandson and that child is around five years old.” 

“So he won’t remember the events if he survives.” 

“He needs to survive.”  The Hokage looked up from his desk for the first time since the arrival of the bad news. 

“What if you sent Ibiki and two other experienced jounin?” 

“They wouldn’t be able to track them down fast enough.  I imagine that they intend to kill him or use him as a hostage to gain information on the village.”  The Hokage growled out with a frown. 

“Then send me.”  The geisha dared the old man with a frown on her painted red lips. 

“The Elders would have your head if something happened to him.” 

“They already want my head.”  She deadpanned before her eyes were completely consumed by black for a split second. 

“It would be too risky for you to be around blood while she is so active.”  The Hokage knew the past of the geisha and understood mildly about her issues involving her small missing portion of Rage. 

“Give me a teammate then, like Kurenai.”  Sayuri suggested as her hand flew up to cradle her aching head to tame the darkness. 

“Kurenai won’t be able to handle you if you snap.”  The man thought about his options for a few seconds. 

Sayuri is the best option seeing as she can find and follow the scent of the foreign ninja to save the child.  She needs someone that knows about her abilities but can subdue her if need be.  That narrows it down to Asuma and Kakashi.  Asuma would be easy prey if she went feral.  Kakashi would stand a better chance.  The Hokage reasoned mentally before bringing his pipe back up to his lips as he made his decision. 

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