Chapter 17 - Not Just a Pretty Face

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Please read the author's note at the end.


“What’s on your mind?”  The Hokage sighed out in annoyance as Sayuri forced the clone that was in the form of a small dog in her lap to sit down again.  Very rarely did the geisha have to control her clones so often.  Normally the clones would wake up every hour or so and circle her lap before falling back asleep.  When she was restless, like today, the clone would be looking around with wide eyes. 

“Nothing, Hokage-sama.”  The woman finally snapped the clone’s neck so it transformed back into a loose hair. 

“Sayuri.”  The Hokage snapped at the woman.  The hair seemed to explode as it transformed into a huge mass of darkness that seemed to be shapeless before it dispersed into the air.  “You can tell me anything.”  The old man attempted to comfort. 

“There’s nothing to tell, Hokage-sama.”  The old man frowned at the formal title that she rarely used in private.  A fresh clone in the shape of a small dog emerged out of her sleeve and lazily made its way to the table in front of the old man. 

“Sayuri-” He was cut off as a pair of Sound ninjas burst through the glass. 

One managed to force the geisha into a standing position with a kunai pressed harshly against her freshly painted neck.  The other, and older, Sound ninja landed in front of the desk with a katana lazily held down at his side. 

“Move and the woman dies.”  Sayuri’s eyebrows flew up at the title she received.  The Hokage looked over at her in amusement, noting the same thing as the geisha.  “Eyes on me!”  The Sound ninja threw a shuriken that was easily avoided.  The clone on the desk was cowering away from the enemy like a normal dog would.  “Like I was saying.  Move and she gets it.”  The man holding Sayuri pressed the blade against her neck harder for emphasis. 

“What do you want?”  The elder sighed in irritation. 

“Our Kage has a message for you.” 

“Get on with it.”  Sayuri spat, earning a cut on her neck that she ignored.  The leader shot a nasty glare at her before lifting his katana and preparing for a fight. 

“DIE!”  The Sound ninja roared. 

Before he could take a step forward, the small dog sprung at him, growing into a large wolf in a split second.  The large animal easily ripped the enemy’s throat out.  While the dog was attacking the man with the katana, a snake shot out of Sayuri’s back.  The onyx colored serpent bit into the side of the man’s throat. 

“So predictable.”  Sayuri stepped out of the rigid grasp of the dead Sound ninja, resulting with him crumpling to the floor. 

“That’s what you were so stressed out about?”  The Hokage placed his pipe in his mouth in irritation. 

“Not exactly.”  The geisha waved her hand in the air.  The wolf disappeared in a flash, leaving only a strand of hair.  The corpses began to disintegrate at the same time. 

“Then what’s wrong?” 

“I know that the academy students are going to be tested to graduate to become Genin pretty soon.” 

The Hokage sighed as he leaned back and lowered his hat over his eyes. 

“I’ve been in control more so recently than before.”  Hope filled her green eyes. 

“It’s not just an issue of your control.  You’re not even classified as a Jounin in this village.”  Her eyes seemed to fade into a deep blue as her gaze fell to the floor.  “You know that it would be impossible for you to take on three young ninja.” 

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