Chapter 15

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6 months later

I got my job at the hospital back. I've been working for 3 months. The kids usually stay home with brantley, but sometimes they stay in our nursery at the hospital.

I'm in the middle of surgery, the normal bullshit at this hospital. The doctors can't do their job! I stitch up my patient, before heading to my best friend's office for monthly lad work.

"Hey girl! Time for your monthly blood work?" She asks me. She gets everything ready and draws the blood.

"Girl. Look at this!" She says 15 minutes later.

'Pregnancy? Positive.'

I'm pregnant! Again!

"Oh my god!! Rissa! Yay!" I scream.

"Want me to take the kids to Ms. Becky's?" She asks me. I agree before heading home.

When I pull up, getting ready to tell B, there's another truck in the driveway. It's all girly and shit. I walk in and see Brantley with another girl making out against the wall. Him on top of her.

I drop my keys and he turns around. Looking like a deer in headlights.

"Nice, Brantley. Real nice. Here. Take your ring. I'm leaving." I tell him, going to pack. He chases after me, but I lock his bedroom door. I pack a bag for me and the kids for a couple weeks before opening the door.

"Baby! Please I'm sorry! Don't leave! You promised when you wore that ring!" He says.

"Well don't cheat next time." I say. "Oh by the way, congratulations daddy." I add putting his copy of the paperwork on the table before going to my truck.

I call rissa and ask her to meet me at my old house with the kids. I kept my house because it was an inheritance. Now I'm glad I did. I pull up just as rissa does. I tell her everything that happened.

"Oh honey! I'm sorry sweet heart. Do you want me to go get you beds for the kids?" She asks me. I nod and grab my babies before walking inside.

"It's just us now. I love you guys!" I whisper to all 3 of them.

I go on Facebook and change my relationship status to separated.

I go on Twitter and change my profile picture on Twitter to one of just me and the kids, and take the picture of the day brantley proposed to me off since it was my cover, and replaced it with a quote.

'You don't know what you have until it's gone.'

I turn off my phone and feed the kids before changing their diapers and laying them down for a nap. I turn on my phone.

21 missed calls from hubby

Baby I'm sorry! -hubby
Please answer! -hubby

Stop it Brantley. You shouldn't have cheated. And yes. I am pregnant again with your child. -Dakota.

Pull the footage! You know I have cameras downstairs! Here's the link to review it! She pulled herself to me! She's my managers new assistant I swear! -hubby

Whatever where's the link? -Dakota

[Insert link here] -Hubby

I watch the video.

"I was sent to discuss some new album ideas with you." I hear her say.

"I wasn't expecting you come in." He says.

"Well..." and she pulls him against the wall and kisses him. I see myself walk In and go upstairs.

"You just ruined my relationship and family! Your fired!" He says. I skip forward to after I left. He was calling me and then I saw him read the paper. He slid down the wall and cried.

"How could I be so stupid! God." He said. I skip to now. He's staring at his phone. And he picks it up and calls someone.

My phone starts ringing.

D: Hello?
B: I know you saw the video. Please come home baby. Come home to me. Bring the kids home.
D: B... I'm scared you made it seem like that for the video..
B: I love YOU! So stop. Our wedding is in litterally 2 weeks! 16 days! Come on.
D: Okay B. I'm on my way.

I hang up and load up the triplets.

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