Chapter 17

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Today is the day. I told BG about the baby mishap and he understood, it was to soon anyways.

Today is my wedding day. This is it. I'll be Mrs. Gilbert!

I'm so excited, I'm sitting in the dressing room getting my makeup done when Kolby knocks on the door.

"BG wanted to give you this." He says. I open the box and it's a letter.

Dear Dakota,

I can't wait to make you Mrs. Gilbert. Today is the day. I miss you already! I wish I could see you, but I can't wait to see how beautiful you will look walking down the isle. Walking to me. I love you, and thank you.


I tear up and the makeup artist glares at me. I quickly write Brantley a note. It's simple and will kill him, it has a picture attached of my garter. That's gonna drive him crazy.


I'll be the one in white. Love you!


I hand it back to Kolby and he sets it aside.

"Thank yo for letting me walk you down the isle today. It means a lot. I love you little sis." He says, kissing my forehead. "Now get dressed and I'll meet you outside." I nod and he walks out, taking the box with him.

I quickly slip on the dress, Then Ma walks in.

"Oh my baby! Your so beautiful!" She tells me.

"Thank you ma. Is it time?" I ask her. She nods and I stand up.

Kolby is waiting at the door for me. We loop arms and the doors open. We walk down the aisle.

If you could have seen brantley's face when I stepped out. He froze and stared at me, tears streaking down his face. I'm pretty sure my makeup was ruined by the time I got to him.

"We are gathered here today, for the marriage of Brantley Keith Gilbert, and Dakota Royal Adamson. They wrote their own vows. Brantley, you first." The priest says.

"Dakota, first I want to say thank you. Thank you for waiting, thank you for giving me 3 little bundles of joy, and thank you for loving me. When I left, I lost my best friend and the love of my life. You mean everything to me and I can't imagine my life without you now. Forever and always." He said. I had tears streaming down my face. His vows were so beautiful I nearly forgot my own.

"Brantley, thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for having 3 beautiful babies with me. And thank you for being you. I love you, I always have. We have our ups and downs but we get over them. Your amazing and I can't wait to spend my life with you. I'm glad to be taking you last name, and to spend forever with you." I finish mine, and they hand us he rings. We slip them on and the priest says "you may kiss the bride." And Brantley kisses me.

This kiss is full of love and passion. We break apart and walk down the isle to head to the reception.

One thing on my mind. I'm Mrs. Gilbert now.

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