2.6| Suprising visit

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Kyungmi P.O.V.

Days are going by slowly and that's not the way i want it. It's only three months till the wedding. If there would be a way to skip, stop or turn back time, that would be perfect for me! Celine told me that the staff is already busy preparing for the wedding. She also told me she was halfway done with my dress.

'You're dress is slowly becoming more and more pretty!' She says while jumping excited. 'Seungkwan added some las-minute details to the drawing so it would be perfect! He actually has a good sense of style.' She says serious this time. I laugh. 'Can you guys work well together?' I ask her, thinking of a jealous Boo. 'Oh yes, he is actually very helpfull.' I give her a suprised look but she turn her head to look at the drawings once more so she doesn't see iit but I'm ofcourse very happy.

I go back to my room and a few short minutes later someone suddenly knocks on my door.

Vernon P.O.V.

'But mom!' I yell. 'No but!' she yells back. 'Me and you're dad are leaving and that's the end of the discussion. I don't care if you're alone all day. Find a friend and stay over at his place!' She yells harderm than I already did. That's how it always goes in this house. My mom and dad are very rich and they only care about the money and buisness, like I don't exsist. They're always on buisiness trips and those take almost 4 or 5 months. Can you imagine how lonely I am all the time!

But this time she can't leave! I need her. One of my teachers was coming for a talk with them and if they see I'm alone most of the time, they'll probably send me to a boarding-school or something, plus, my parents are only one week back from their last trip! That one was to hawaii. For one time I was actually jalous of them. I would love to go to hawaii one time...

I sit silently on the couch while my mother is taking the coats from the hall. My dad carrys the suitcases downstairs. 'Young man,' He says, because he almost never calls me by my real name. 'I don't care what you do but I need this house to be clean when we come back because a week after that we're gonna organise a huge buisness party.' he says as he puts on his coat. I sigh. One of those partys again...

'But we have maids...' I mutter. 'Than you help the maids!' He shouts evnthough there is no reason to do so.

A few minutes later I hear the door slamming behind them. 'What am I gonna do?' I think. I don't want to stay here, by myself, for 5 months! Both my friends are away...

Suddenly I get an idea but this could be very stupid...

Kyungmi P.O.V.

'It's open!' I yell. Sunhee is coming in and sits next to me on my bed. 'What were you doing?' She asks. 'Don't be so curious.' I tell her laughing. 'Oh, I'm sorry Majesty...' she says teasing. 'Yah! Stop!' I push her off the bed before hitting her with a pillow. We laugh and we turn out having a huge pillow fight. 'Just like the old days.' I say grinning at her. After that, we chat a bit while Sunhee starts cleaning my room.

'You know, I actually feel guilty when I see you cleaning and I'm doing nothing.' I say, looking at how she sweeps with a towel over all the boxes and tables. 'Ah, it's alright. I get payed for it!' She laughs. 'You're sure you don't want me to help?' I ask. 'Yes!' she says.

I look out of my window. I've got a nice view. I can look in the garden and at the same time I see the driveway. I'm staring for a while when I suddenly see someone standing infront of the guards. I can't see who it is but the guards look mad. 'Why would the guards be so mad?' This could be a really stupid decision but I decide to take a look.

I walk down the several stairs with, this time, Wonwoo and Hoshi behind me. I open the doors and take a look at the situations. Now I can see the person is a boy he is desaretly trying to ease the guards. When I take a closer look to see the boy I see...

'Vernon!' I say. I run to him and give him a hug. 'Whoa! Keep it cool girl!' He says. We both laugh. 'Uhum, ma'am, this guy might be dangerous he tried to enter the castle and--' I don't let him finish his sentence 'Oh silly! I know him!' I cut him off. 'Wonwoo! Go and get Sunhee, she is in my room. The only thing you have to tell her is that Veron is here, she'll understand it.' I say. Wonwoo nods and walks away.

Hoshi P.O.V.

I walk infront of Kyungmi's door when she suddenly comes out off her room. She walk to the driveway and when she opens the door you can clearly see she is very happy.

A boy is standing infront of us, between the guards. Kyungmi runs to the boy and hugs him. 'Vernon!' she shouts.

'Who is he? What is he doing here? And most important, why is she hugging him? He isn't her boyfriend or something, right?' My brain starts making all kind of weird scenarios and I'm strating to feel myself getting more uncomfortable.

'She is getting married idiot, she probably doesn't have a boyfriend.' I say to myself. So this is what happens when a boy get jalous...

Sunhee P.O.V.

I'm still cleaning when someone enters the room. It's one on Kyungmi's guards, Wonwoo, I guess. 'Kyungmi says Veron is here.' He says. You can see from the look on his face he thinks it is a weird thing to say but I can't believe my ears. 'Did you just said...' I look gaping at him and he nods. Yelling I run downstairs.

I see Kyungmi and Vernon standing together and I run towards them. I immediately hug him and he says jokingly 'Another one!' We all laugh. 'Let's go inside.' Kyungmi says. I hold Vernon's hand and so does Kyungmi, together we walk in, the guards behind us.

Kyungmi P.O.V.

When we're back at my room I introduce Veron to my guards. They were very suprised when a random guy was standing infront of them, holding my hand.

'Guys, this is Veron, he's a school-friend of me. Vernon, These are my guards.' They all greet him polite and I see Hoshi's facial expressoin softing a bit. I know what he was thinking, it makes me smile.

'So, why did you come?' I ask him when we sit in my room. 'It's a long story.' he sighs. Then he starts telling us his story. It takes him almost half an hour to finish but I keep listening. At the end Sunhee and I are both suprised, we really don't know what to say.

'So basicly your mom and dad are on a buisness trip again and if you didn't find a place to stay you would be in trouble?' Sunhee asks while leaning her head on his shoulder. He strokes her hair absent while nodding. It makes me smile, seeing they are so happy together.

'Yes, I immediately tought about you and Kyungmi. But you were both here and I thaught, if I would go to support Kyungmi, I had also a place to stay.' He is silent for a while. 'Support me?' I ask. 'Yes, since you're getting married.' He says while looking at the door. 'By the way, Sunhee told me you're secret so...' He winks at me. 'Huh? But- What-?' Is the only thing I can say without stuttering. 'How are you two actually doing?' He asks. I explain him the whole thing and everything we've gone trough.

'Well, I can help you with that. Just like Sunhee and your other friends, I forgot their names. But, that's what friends are for!' We all laugh again.

'I'm glad you came!' I say.


I just brought Vernon back because otherwise he had such a small part in this story.



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