3.1| A short break

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Kyungmi P.O.V.

I'm sitting in my room together with my friends. We are all silent and nobody looks at eachother. Yesterday was a huge dilemma and I'm nervous to see my dad again. What will he say?

I see Sunhee laying her head on Vernon's shoulder and Seungkwan and Celine are holding hands. Dino couldn't be here because his mom told him to do homework. I realise I feel kind if lonely. 'How are things with Hoshi? We're not a couple or are we?'

'Is it wrong?' I ask suddenly. They look suprised at me. 'What is wrong?' Sunhee asks. 'What I did yesterday. I mean, I was supposed to marry Seungcheol but I didn't. I probably hurt him. I should've just marry him then all of this wouldn't have happened!' I feel my tears coming up again. 'You shouldn't say that kind of things. You just followed your heart. I mean, look at yourself. You're 18 almost 19 years old so you can't blame yourself about this situation, most people of your age wouldn't even be thinking about getting married. I think the way you told Seungcheol was very good.' Celine says to cheer me up. 'Yes, atleast you didn't yelled at him that you hate him.' Vernon jokes. 'Why do I have to marry someone from royal blood? My dad didn't do that either! It's just not fair.' I say.

Suddenly someone knocks on my door. 'Come in!' I say. My dad steps into my room. 'What did I say about inviting the staff in your room?' He says after scanning my room. From his eyes I can see he is mad. 'I don't care. What do you want?' I ask him shortly. 'I think you should go on a break for a while. I decided that you go for 2 months back to your house. Than you will come back to the castle.' He says and I look at him in awe. Before I can even say something he turns around, gives a death stare at Hoshi and walks away.

Hoshi is about to close the door again but Seungkwan makes a hand gesture, telling him to come in. He hesitates but then nods and sit next to me placing his hand on mine and it actually feels nice. I don't feel so lonely anymore.

I sigh. I don't want to go back. I will be all alone and that will remind me of my mother who is dead now...

~3 days later~

I'm sitting in my limo, on my way home. Vernon said he would go with me so he could stay with me since he needed a place to stay and it's weird to stay in the castle when I'm not even there. Sunhee didn't let him go at first but later on she gave in and told us it was okay.

Hoshi also came with me. Since he is still my guard ofcourse.

It's hot inside the limo and it makes me kinda sleepy. I didn't have a good night sleep this night anyway. I lay my head on Hoshi's cheast who is chatting with Vernon. He strokes my hair and I'm slowely falling asleep.

'Kyungmi,we're here.' I hear the soft voice from Hoshi somewhere in the distance. I'm not fully awake so I try to focus on his voice. I slowely open my eyes and see his face is close by mine, it startles me a bit. He laughs and kisses me on my forehead. 'Come.' He says, offering me his hand. I take it while trying to hide my cheeks. 'Oehhh, is someone blushing?' Hoshi teases me. 'Yah!' I say looking away from him shyly.

I open the door of the house with my spare key I always kept with me and enter the silent building. It's a awkward moment since Hoshi has never seen my old home before and I'm not really sure what he thinks right now. It's not the best house because we were not that rich.

I walk into the livingroom. My eyes fall on the sidetable next to the coutch. On the table lays a small note.

Dear Kyungmi,

Things are not going really well with me, so when you read this I probably passed away.
I left you this note to tell you that I love you. I'm so proud of you and I know for sure you will be a good Queen, even without me here to support you at your crowning or another important event.
Don't be sad about me, instead continue with your beautiful life, because thst's what I want for you. I'll be watching you from above.
Don't forget that I love you! 

Lots of love, hugs and kisses


My eyes are starting to get watery and I fall on the coutch. I feel someone is sitting beside me. The person pulls me into a hug and I feel a warm feeling rushing trough my body.

'I know it must be hard...' the person says, it's Hoshi. I can hear it from his voice, he sounds worried. 'I'm not ready to face reality...'  All this time I didn't thought much about it but now I see the note, I realise it's real.

We sit like this for a few minutes until I stop crying. Vernon also comes towards me and pats my back. He has an akward look on his face because he doesn't know well how to comfort me. 'It's okay.' I whisper noticing him.

A few hours later I've unpacked all my stuff with help from Hoshi. I place my clothes in the closet downstairs because I really don't want to go to my room yet, it holds to much memories.

'The King said someone from the castle already filled your fridge with food again so you don't have to go grocery shopping.' Hoshi says after I put my last sweater in the closet. I nod, I'm actually pretty hungry. Hoshi pulls me into a frim hug and then he gives me a gentle peck on the lips. He sighs. 'I never thought I was ever going to be able to say this to you but, I love you.' He smiles shy. 'Hmm, I know you do, I love you to.' I say laughing. It feels good saying it. He strokes my hair and says 'I see you in two months then.' I only nod. Two months seem so incredible long. I will miss him, the other guards and all my friends so much.

Hoshi walks towards Vernon and whispers something in his ear. Vernon smiles and says 'Ofcours dude, always!' They high-five and I'm starting to get curious but when I want to ask, Hoshi walks out. He steps into the car and I wave at him. I wave until I can't see the car anymore, then I go inside. I feel lonely, but luckily I have Vernon.

'What did he told you?' I ask to Vernon when we sit together on the couch. 'Oh that,' He laughs. 'Nothing special, he told me to take good care of you.' I feel I'm blushing a little. 'You're lucky to have him. Well, I mean technically you're not supposed to have him because he is the guard but still... You know what I mean?' He asks and I nod. 'You make a great couple together.' Vernon says. I don't know what to say. 'Stop!' I say while punching him jokingly. 'You make me shy!' I say pouting. He laughs and after that he walks to the fridge. 'Wow, he was right!' He says looking with big eyes into the fridge. I walk towards him. 'Wooow...' I say too and we stare at the fridge for like, an entire minute. We must've looked like idiots. 

The fridge was filled with a lots of delicious looking food. There were several pie's, some vegetables, chicken, pasta's and a lot more.

Vernon immdiately starts to perpare some food for us and after 30 minutes we're both eating. 'Hmm, yum! You're good at cooking.' I say. Vernon laughs 'Thanks, I learned it from our maid, she is the best cook ever!' He laughs as he puts a spoon full in his mouth. 'Such a pitty that I didn't visit you more often for dinner.' I laugh.

When we're done eating  we talk a little more untill it's really time for me to go to bed. I'm exhausted and I don't like staying awake till late in the evening.



I literally have the feeling my writing is getting worse every chapter. What do you think? I'll keep writing anyway. I hope you still like it.

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