2.4| Being bothered

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Kyungmi P.O.V.

It's two weeks after Celine started to design my weddingdress together with Seungkwan. Since it takes a lot of time and effort she started a week ago. She put all the drawings she made, together in one big piece. It was just beautiful to look at and it wasn't even the final masterpiece!

Today I'm going to meet Hoshi again. It's definitly gonna be fun! He tought it would be the best if we didn't do anything crazy or something so we decided to watch a movie togheter in my room. He could be here any minute. Sunhee even brought some chips and drinks because I have litarally nothing in my room and I can't ask for it in the kitchen, they'll probably be suspicious. Sunhee also reccomended me a few good movies so we have a choice in what to watch.

Since I need a little bit distraction, I decide to draw something. I always loved drawing since I was a little kid and I'm actually very good. Everytime I had a little spare time I took my drawingbook and started to draw or doodle. I once made a huge painting for a contest and I won with it. They said it was the biggest painting they ever saw in the contest. I'm actually still kind of proud about it.

I'm busy with my new work when someone knocks on the door. I put my pencil down and open the door 'Hey!' I say when I see Hoshi standing infront of me. I let him in and he sits on my bed. I'm glad he is not so uncomfortable around me or atleast, in my room. He smiles at me.

'So I borrowed these 4 movies from Sunhee, which one do we wanna see?' I ask him. I hand him the diffrent movies so he can take a closer look. 'This one!' He says while pointing at the most right one. 'Alright then!' I take the movie and walk to the television. 'You know, I've never used the DVD player of this thing before.' I look at all the buttons on the little box. 'I think I need this one...' I think. But when I press it, nothing happens. 'You need to use this one.' Hoshi kneels beside me with his head close to mine. He points at a small button on the left side. 'Aha, thanks!' I smile at him. I put the movie in the DVD player and sit next to Hoshi on my bed.

~45 minutes later~

My eyelids slowly start to feel heavy. Last few minutes I slowly moved closer to hoshi to the point where I lay next to him. I rest my head on his knee while I keep my eyes on the screen. I feel very tired but the movie is at a very exciting part and I really want to watch it all the way to the end. The end is always the best part of the movie. But my eyes are closing and before I know it I'm sleeping.

Hoshi P.O.V.

We're watching the movie peacefully when Kyungmi lays her head on my knee. I have to say that I felt pretty akward but she looked so cute I ignored my feelings and let her head rest on me. I feel a tingle in my stomache. She smiles about something on TV and replaces her head. 'Why does she have to be like this?' I ask myself. I continue watching the movie and now and then I look at Kyungmi.

When the movie is over I expected her to get up but somehow she doesn't. I look at her and see that her eyes are closed, she fell asleep on my knee. 'Ah... you're so cute...' I whisper as I run my hand trough her hair. I carefully lift her head and lay her properly on the bed and under the blankets. I stay in her room for a little while, admiring her, maybe there is a chance she will wake up but she doesn't so after a few more minutes I decide to leave. I kiss her on the forehead before walking out. 'Sleep well...' I whisper and I close the door behind me.

Kyungmi P.O.V.

~Next day~

When I wake up I notice I'm still wearing my clothes. I take a look in the mirror and see that my hair is also still tied in a ponytail but really messy. 'I must've fell asleep last night.' I think as I try to make my hair normal. 

Then someone knocks on my door making me jump. 'Who dares to disturb me this early in the morning...' I mumble. I open the door and see Seungcheol standing infront of me, smiling stupid. 'What?' I ask. He leans in closer, probably to kiss me but I turn my head grumpy and walk away. He enters the room and asks, like nothing happend 'Always so grumpy in the mornings?' He is still smiling. 'Hmmpf... Yes! I should get used to it if I were you.' I say while letting myself fall on my bed again, digging my head into a pillow.

'You wanna do something fun?' He asks suddenly. 'Like, get out? Move? Now, this time?' I ask him. 'Yes, why?' He laughs. 'Hmm, I don't think I want to.' I say while getting up from my bed again. I walk to my closet to pick some new clothes so I can get dressed 'I want to change so will you please go out.' I try to ask him as friendly as possible. 'Not before I've got my answer.' He says while crossing his arms. 'But you already got you're answer!' I shout. 'No I don't.' He says stubborn. 'Yes you do! I said no.' He looks disappointed at the ground. 'So you're not coming?' He asks. 'No!' I yell. 'Geez... I don't see us getting married this way. We're fighting already....' I sigh deep and he gives me a suprised face. 'Now get out! I want to change clothes.' I yell angry at him. He quickly leaves my room. 'Lesson learned.' I think and mumble

'Never bother me early in the mornings.'


Whoop Whoop! 

Do you guys like the story so far? I hope so. I just continue writing and I'll see what happens.


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