Untitled Part 6

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    Ollie has distracted me from my work! He came up to me and started whining for attention. I can't work and pet my dog at the same time. Not possible.

    James showed up at my doorstep and gave me free fish. A strange but not unwelcome gift, I suppose. Only now have I realized how large that man is; he stands at least a foot taller than me, even though being taller than I am isn't a hard task; some just have to stand up straighter and they're a head over me... curse this body.


    The Church is still full of lunatics. I would move away if I could, but I can't leave Charlotte here; money is also an issue. I would fight against the Church, but I'm not suicidal anymore.

    The drawing is finished. I'm just waiting for the council to approve of it and give it to the mayor. Or they could reject it.


    Nothing much seems to be happening today. It's Monday and the only other being in this house is Ollie.

    The Church is full of loonies and liars. It's insane. They truly believe that spirits known as Enders will come to them and eliminate the "sinners", purifying humanity. Every single person here believes it, though maybe some of them are just pretending to believe.

    Maybe I'll live to see the destruction of this awful cult, or even this entire town.

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