Chapter 6

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(not proof read)

Camila's P.O.V

Panic washed over me as I saw Lauren laying lifelessly on the ground. New tears started falling down my cheeks, I can't believe I'm the cause of her pain. I sank to the ground and sobbed into my knees. Hearing heavy breathing I looked up, Shawn staring right at me. He walked over to me, ready to pulling me up until he was pushed to the ground. At first I thought it was Lauren, but her body was still on the ground. I was confused for a few seconds till I looked at who had really taken Shawn down.  Dinah. I honestly should have known.  She punched him one last time before turning her head to me, checking if I was harmed. Before anything could be said or done, police came rushing into the hall we were still in. They called in for an ambulance to take Lauren, and two officers roughly grabbed Shawn and drug him outside. I rushed over to Lauren as soon as they had cleared out a bit. I knelt down beside her and checked her pulse before letting out a sob. I got up and out of the way so the paramedics could step in and take her to the hospital.

Dinah pulled me into a hug as they rolled her away, whispering this like "its gonna be okay" or "she'll make it don't worry".  This was suppose to be a good day and everything just had to go down hill. By the time the ambulance had left the rest of the girls had already gathered in a corner, reshoring one another that everything would be all right. "What about the show tonight?" Ally voiced. "Oh god... I hadn't even thought of that." Normani answered. Ally being the oldest and most responsible had called management to let them know what was happening, they had responded that they will reschedule the performance for a week from now and hopefully everyone would be on their feet and ready to go.

The girls and I had decided to grab some stuff and head to the hospital to check on Lauren. It was my job to call Clara and Mike... I was not ready for this. I pulled out my phone and dialed Clara's number and on the second ring she picked up. "hello?" The words were caught in my throat and I had no idea where to start. "Camila, honey are you there?" Her voice had pulled me out of my thoughts. "Y-yeah I'm here... um I-I don't know where to start but I guess I can just get on with i..." "Camila you're rambling, just spit it out." She cut me off with a chuckle. "Yeah o-okay....... uh Laurensinthehospital." I spoke fast not wanting to hear the outcome of this. "Okay Camila, can you say that again? And possibly slow it down a bit." Clara ended with a short laugh. I really didn't want to be the reason her good mood was ruined, but I should just get on with it. After a pause I answered. "Clara, Laurens in the hospital." All I heard was silence for a minute before a silent sob came through the phone. "Why? What happened to my baby?" I sighed before answering her again. "Shawn came over and started yelling and hitting me, Lauren started fighting back, but Shawn had taken over the fight and now she's unconscious. It's all my fault, I'm so sorry Clara!" "Honey its not your fault. I'm going to be on the next flight out there, so I'm going to hang up. You should go and sit with her. I'll see you when I get there." we said our goodbyes, but the whole time I was wondering how she reacted so well.

I went to sit in the waiting room with the rest of the girls, just sitting anxiously for someone to come and tell me Lauren would be all right.




short I know, but at least it's something! Night yall

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