chapter 13

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Lauren's P.O.V

It has been a week since Shawn had showed up at my parents house, a week since I've been shot, and a week with no Camila. She's not dead but it feels like it. Everyday my eyes are dragged back to the lifeless body laying in the hospital bed. Thoughts run through my head as I sit by her bed side, "will she wake up," "will she remember me?" or "I could have done more." None of them could be answered until her eyes opened. The doctors haven't even given us an answer. She was shot just above her ear along her head, and a bullet had gone through her right shoulder blade, we were told it was a miracle she even survived. But no one knows what she will be like when she wakes up.

Camila's P.O.V

Darkness surrounds me, there is no movement, no sound, only the shadows keeping me company. I'm not sure what happened or where I am but I feel physically drained.

I started hearing small footsteps, I had no idea where they are coming from. It feels like I'm hearing it through water, like my head is three feet under. I get a cold chill before the noise gets louder and clearer, but another sound accompanies it, soft whimpers. Almost as if someone is crying. But that can't be, there is no one around.

I was overwhelmed with pain, it was as if someone was holding a hot iron to my body. I jolted up and out of the darkness. My eye's tried to focus on what was around me, a girl was seated beside me with her legs up on the chair and pressed against her chest, her head resting above them. I coughed, only now realising that my throat was dry. That caught their attention. Her head came up as she came flying towards me.  Why was this strange woman hanging on to me?




well damn, cliff hanger!

Anywho its been a hella long time since I have updated so I'm hoping this is good

Love ya'll!

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