Chapter 3

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Camila's P.O.V.

        I didn't know how to answer that. I thought I knew her, at least to the point where she didn't hide stuff from me. I was hurt to know she didn't fully trust me but I tried to hide it, and by the look in her emerald eye's I could tell I wasn't doing a great job. She sighed as she looked up at me after staring at her feet, running a hand through her hair she continued what she was saying before. "I just-I guess I've been hiding behind a wall. I mean... I never told anyone this and you will be the first and honestly it scares the shit outta me." She sighed again then turned away, looking at the door like she was ready to run. "I-I'm gay......" She had whispered it so low that I had almost missed what she had said. I stayed silent hoping she would carry on but she ran for the door at this point. I followed but she was obviously faster than me. I didn't know what to say to her and I couldn't keep up so I collapsed to the floor wondering where she would go, we were in here room after all. I slowly got back up still not knowing what to say when I would see her. I made my way back to her room and closed the door behind me hopping she would come back soon. I texted Dinah and told her I was staying in Laurens room for the night. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on the bed where her phone still was. Oh my god I really hope she comes back at some point. I don't want her to get hurt.

        I turned off the lights and crawled into her bed and pulled the covers over my head. Why would she run away after saying that? She should know I'm not going to judge her. I mean...... I'm gay too. But she doesn't know that, Dinah is the only one who knows. Now I'm the only one who knows that Lauren is. All these thoughts ran through my head until I passed out about 20 minutes later.

        I woke to a loud thud and someone groaning in pain. I sat up and looked around the room but all I could see was light coming from the washroom door. I knew it was Lauren but I'm pretty sure she doesn't know I'm still here. I made my way out of bed and crept my way over to the door which was open. I saw Lauren bent over the toilet puking... oh god I hate the sound of it. I walked in and behind her, pulling her hair back so she wouldn't puke all over it. She jumped at my touch but didn't say anything. when she was done I helped her up and to the sink where she washed her face and brushed her teeth. I looked around the room only to find a half bottle of vodka on the floor. I grabbed it and turned back to Lauren. "Where did you get this Lauren?" I questioned but as soon as she turned to me she ripped it out of my hands. "Why do you care? I was just thirsty." Wow so she's going to play it like this. "Really, you were thirsty so you decided it was good to drink half a bottle of fucking vodka? How did you get it Lauren? And why?" Oh that was not a good move. "You're not my fucking mother! Why would you even care if I got drunk? I can feel you judging me right now, for this and being gay!" Okay what? "Lauren, why the hell would I judge you for being gay? Its not like I can say much... I'm gay too! As for the alcohol, I have every right to judge you. I've never seen you like this!" She looked at me completely ignoring the last part I had said. "Your gay?" She said barely over a whisper. I was shocked to say the least, I don't even remember saying that. At this point I just broke down and covered my face with my hands, hot tears running down my face. I felt arms rap around me and pull me to the ground. "Shhhh Camz its okay please don't cry I'm sorry for yelling, I didn't mean any of it." I heard Lauren say. "How do you know, you're drunk. you probably wont even remember this in the morning!" I snapped which made her flinch. "I didn't drink the whole thing, I dumped half of it on the road when I was walking." "Then why were you puking?" I looked up at her but it didn't take any time for her to answer. "Because that was my first drink, my system isn't used to it. And after this I'm pretty sure I'm never laying a finger on another drink like that again." I giggled at that. Then she spoke up again, "Why don't we go to sleep on the bed. You don't have to leave I just want to fall asleep on something more comfortable than the floor." We both laughed then slowly stood up together.

        Making our way to the bed in the dark was not a good idea on my half. I tripped on a shirt that was laying on the ground and made a loud thud as I fell face first into the cold hard floor. "Oww god damn it!" I squeaked out. I heard Lauren scramble for the light and look down at me with concern written all over her face. "Are you okay Camz?" I just mumbled a yes and stood up then jumped on the bed. Lo laughed then switched the light of again and crawled into the bed as well. I felt her settle down beside me so cuddled into her side with my head resting on her chest and my arm slung over her stomach. Her arm made its way around me and she pulled me closer to her then kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Camz."

"Goodnight Lolo." With that I fell asleep for the second time that night, but this time to the sound of Laurens heartbeat.




I won't leave y'all on a cliff hanger

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