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Felix just couldn't wait until class was over so they could go to lunch. The bell finally rang and he sprinted to lunch.

The doors to the lunchroom burst open as students from all classes came running in. Felix then looked around for Marinette.

It didn't take long for him to spot her. She was chatting with another girl which he knew as Alya. Felix then looked over as Adrien walked over with his lunch tray to sit by Marinette.

Felix felt jealousy burn through him. Felix dropped his lunch bag on the table next to Marinette.

The seating arrangement at the table in left to right formation was; Top bench: Alya, Nino. Bottom bench: Felix, Marinette, and Adrien.

"Hey, Felix," Alya said in a cool tone. "Your the new guy, right?"

Felix nodded and responded with, "Indeed I am. I'm surprised I'm actually welcomed here."

"What makes you say that?" Alya's interest sparked immediately. She was looking for a good conversation anyways. Marinette also looked up from eating to listen.

"Well, when I was adopted and went to school for the first time back in America, people made fun of me for being adopted. I was considered an outcast and a loser." Felix shook his head when he thought about how horrible it was.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that." Alya felt slight pity for the 'new guy'.

"It's all okay, I'm here in Paris now and I'm glad to be here," Felix paused. "Would you guys consider me your 'friend'?"

"Of course." Alya smiled to him. "We will gladly accept you as our friend. You earned it anyways."

"Thank you, I'm glad to be your friend." Felix then actually smiled a warm smile to everyone for the first time in years.

Marinette felt slight pity. Maybe she could come over to his house later or something. Maybe just them two.

Felix, Alya, and Nino spent all lunch talking to each other. Felix still had a warm smile on his face the whole time.

Adrien felt jealousy fire up in him but he was also glad Felix found friends. Also Adrien was wondering why he was sitting next to Marinette. Especially so close to her. He shook the thought off.

The lunch bell rang to end lunch. Adrien grabbed his stuff and walked away from the table. A confused Marinette wondered why Adrien left the table so early. She shrugged the thought off and went to her next class.

Marinette was bored for the rest of her classes. Surprisingly, Chloé hasn't came up to harass her today. Or Sabrina.

Wait, what if they harass Felix? Marinette thought in her mind. Wait, why am I worrying about Felix?

Marinette eventually closed her eyes and fell asleep in her class. It was only movie day for that class she was in anyways.

When Marinette woke up, the next bell rang. It was the last class of the day then it was the end of school. For today, at least.

Marinette sat down in her normal spot. Alya wasn't in this class only, but she did have Felix in this class. Maybe she could ask him if she could come over.

There was an empty spot next to Marinette, so Felix sat right there. Felix then listened to the history teacher in all seriousness.

Since this class she was in was French History, Marinette could care less on what she learned. Marinette already knew it all anyways since she studied it each year.

As always or at least majority of the time, Marinette fell asleep in that class. An hour passes and Marinette wakes up to the sound she loves to hear. The end bell.

She gathered up her stuff and turned to Felix. "Hey, can I come over and hang out with you? You seem pretty cool."

"Of course," Felix responded. "Come over at five o' clock."

"Alright," Marinette nodded. "See you then, Felix!" She called out, closing the classroom door behind her.

"Yeah, see ya." Felix felt a wave of emotions he never felt before. His face was hot and red.

Was he... blushing?

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