F i f t e e n

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"Come to the claws of White Cat, Kim!" White Cat hissed and licked the blood off of his claws from the last victim.

Kim kept scooting back, until his back hit a brick wall. White Cat hovered over him and Kim closed his eyes and braced himself for death.

Suddenly, White Cat was hit in the head with a yo-yo. "Ladybug!" Kim cheered as Ladybug stood behind White Cat.

"It's seems I've stopped you from killing your next victim." Ladybug smirked at White Cat.

"Not unless if I-" White Cat expected to grab Kim's shirt but he swiped at nothing. He looked up to see Chat Noir sitting on the roof with Kim next to him.

"It seems as if your missing something, brother." Chat smirked as White Cat let out a hiss of frustration.

"Curse you both!" White Cat glared at Ladybug and jumped at her. He pinned her down to the ground a swiped across her cheek. Claw marks were left on her cheek, bleeding.

"Go, Kim." Chat whispered to Kim as Kim nodded and ran off. Chat then leaped down to help Ladybug.

He landed on top of White Cat and flipped him off of Ladybug. "Time for scratch attack," Chat whispered to himself.

"What's that?" White Cat smirked. "You admit to defeat I hear?" Chat shook his head and grinned.

"No, but I'm sure what I'm about to do will make you ache for days!" Chat crazily scratched up and down White Cat's suit, making him bleed everywhere.

"Stop!" White Cat hissed, trying to fight back. "Not unless if you admit to defeat," Chat replied, continuing his scratch attack. Chat's attack seemed to be working effectively on White Cat.

"Cataclysm!" Chat called out and the destructive power formed into his right hand. He purposely missed White Cat to see if he admitted defeat. No defeat yet, time to go to Plan B.

"Now!" Chat called over to his partner. Ladybug nodded understandingly and launched her yo-yo at White Cat.

Ladybug's yo-yo wrapped around White Cat and White Cat growled at her. "Let me go!" White Cat struggled to set himself free.

"Unless if you admit to defeat." Ladybug mocked White Cat's 'saying'. White Cat narrowed his eyes.

White Cat then sighed and leaned against the wall. "I... admit... to... defeat." Ladybug and Chat quickly smiled at each other and Ladybug ran over to White Cat.

"Alright." Ladybug grabbed White Cat's ring and broke in half. "No more evil doing for you little Akuma..."

"Time to devilize!" Ladybug caught the Akuma, purified it, and released it. "Bye, bye, little Papillon..."

"Miraculous Ladybug!" The sky cleared and almost everything set back to normal. There was still chaos on the three innocents White Cat murdered, the wounds on Felix were still there, and Ladybug's wound on her cheek was still there. Everything else was back to normal.

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir fist bumped. White Cat turned back into Felix.

"Did I murder anyone...?" Felix got up shaking from the ground.

"Indeed you did murder some people." The duo turned to the voice that said that. It was Alya.

"Don't worry though," Another voice said, which was Nino, standing next to Alya.

"We called the police."

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