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"Ugh, Tikki, I hate Felix!" Marinette complained to her Kwami, faceplanting into her bed.

"Mari, I'm sure he'll grow out of you. Sooner or later, he'll find out you have a crush on Adrien. Surely he will leave you alone then." Tikki explained, trying to reassure Marinette.

"I guess." Marinette shrugged. Tikki yawned and Marinette put her in her makeshift bed for her Kwami.

"Goodnight, Tikki." Marinette whispered to her Kwami.

"Goodnight, Marinette." Tikki murmured back to her owner. In at least five minutes, Tikki fell asleep.

Marinette's eyes watered up, then she started to cry. She opened up her doors to her balcony.

"Chat!" She cried out. "I'm so sorry for bringing you down and yelling at you! Please forgive me..."

Little did she know a few blocks down, someone was listening. To be specific, that someone that was listening was Adrien.

"It's okay, M'Lady." Adrien replied with a soft whisper to himself. "I accept your apology."
The Next Day...
"We need to come up with a plan to attack." Ladybug said to Black Cat and Chat.

"I think you and I should flank and Black Cat should be the distraction." Chat said, looking towards his partner.

"Good idea, Kitty." Ladybug scratched Chat's chin and smiled. "I knew I could count on-" Ladybug was interrupted by Black Cat.

"Actually, how about you and I flank and Chat could be the distraction." Black Cat smirked.

"I've been working with Chat longer, so I feel like it's easier for us to be together." Ladybug argued.

"Shut. Up. You and I were meant to be together." Black Cat said with his teeth clenching.

"Only if you can find a way to make me shut up." Ladybug replied back in a angry tone.

"Alright, then." Black Cat wrapped his arms around Ladybug and kissed her roughly.

He pulled away, with lipstick on his lips and smirked. "Better?"

"Ugh. Your so annoying." Ladybug was irritated with him. She hated him so much.

Chat stood there in shock. Tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm attacking without you guys. Goodbye."

"Chat, wait!" Ladybug yelled out to her partner, but it was too late.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." The villain named Arquero (Archer in spanish) called out to the three heroes.

"I'm right here." Chat stood still. "Hit me if you can."

"Gladly, kitty cat." Arquero smirked and started to launch arrows at Chat. Chat easily dodged them.

"Scatter bow!" Arquero yelled and a bunch of arrows were launched at once, scattering all over the place.

"What was that supposed to be?" Chat smirked as the arrows all flew away from him. Suddenly, all the arrows came back and they all aimed straight for Chat.

Just dodge seven arrows, Chat thought as he panicked mentally.

Chat started to run. The arrows followed him. One sped up. Chat looked back and flipped to the left. The arrow that sped up missed him and hit a brick wall. One down, six to go.

Another arrow sped up and Chat flipped to the right. The arrow missed him and hit a car. Five to go.

Soon, it became four to go, three to go, two to go, and one to go.

Chat kept flipping right and left on the last one and it wasn't working. The arrow sped up. Chat did his best to lean under the arrow but he failed.

The arrow ended up going into Chat's leg, drawing blood. Pain pulsed through Chat as he let out a whimper of pain.

Chat fell on both knees and he couldn't pay attention. Soon, his vision was getting blurry and dark, then he blacked out.

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