E i g h t

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Chat regained consciousness. He tried getting up but he couldn't. Chat was chained down. He then heard a loud bang.

"W-Who's there?" Chat yelled out to the sound. No reply came and soon he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Why hello there, Chat." It was a male voice. Hawkmoth, Chat thought to himself, narrowing his eyes at the walking figure.

"What do you want from me?" Chat's voice was hoarse and Hawkmoth chuckled.

"Oh, you act so innocent, don't you? You already know what I want. Your Miraculous." Hawkmoth smirked to Chat.

"You'll never have my Miraculous on my watch, Hawkmoth. Ladybug will be here any moment now to defeat your Akumaized villain, Arquero, and save me." Chat hissed at Hawkmoth.

"Oh my, Chat." Hawkmoth chuckled. "I'm so scared. Also, I'm afraid Ladybug has already defeated Arquero, but before Ladybug could get there to defeat him, Arquero took you to me. I thanked him before Ladybug defeated him."

"Well, Ladybug will be here to save me soon. Were a team." Chat glared at Hawkmoth.

"She'll be too late, I'm afraid." Hawkmoth held Chat's hands against a wall and took off his ring.

"NO!" Chat cried out. Right then and there, Ladybug burst through the door to Hawkmoth's Lair.

"Chat!" Ladybug cried out. Slowly, Chat detransformed into the model known as Adrien.

"Adrien?" Ladybug gasped. Adrien's eyes started to well up with tears.

"Yes, it's me. I, Adrien Agreste, am Chat Noir." Adrien started to cry and he tried to hide himself.

"I finally have Chat Noir's Miraculous!" Hawkmoth let out an evil cackle. Ladybug glared at Hawkmoth.

"I'm going to get his Miraculous back." Ladybug murmured to herself quietly.

Hawkmoth was staring at Adrien with an evil glare in his eyes. Ladybug snuck up behind Hawkmoth and stole his staff.

"Ladybug!" Hawkmoth sounded surprised. Ladybug smirked at Hawkmoth and threw up her yo-yo in the air.

"Lucky Charm!" A key fell into her hands. "A key?" Ladybug looked around to see what she could use it for.

"Of course!" Ladybug ran over to Adrien and unlocked the handcuffs. Adrien hugged Ladybug.

"Oh, M'Lady!" Adrien smiled. Ladybug hugged him back. "Oh, Chat."

"Now, let's go get my Miraculous." Adrien nodded at Ladybug and they both ran at Hawkmoth.

"What are you kids doing?" Hawkmoth ran at the door but Adrien got there first. Hawkmoth tried running back to the escape door, but Ladybug was there guarding it.

Hawkmoth stood there, not knowing what to do. Ladybug then launched her yo-yo at him and it wrapped around Hawkmoth.

Adrien casually walked up to Hawkmoth and unclenched his hand. Adrien took his Miraculous and casually walked away.

"Thanks for the Miraculous, Hawkmoth," Adrien smirked.

Without Hawkmoth knowing, Ladybug had handcuffed Hawkmoth behind his back. Hawkmoth tried moving his hands but he couldn't.

"Well, we gotta run. Bye!" Ladybug opened the door and launched her yo-yo with Adrien.
At Adrien's House...
"Adrien, you deserve to know my identity." Ladybug's Miraculous beeped for the last time.

Ladybug detransformed and Adrien gasped in surprise.


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