F i v e

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The clock hits five and Felix waits for Marinette to arrive. He hears a knock after a few seconds pass and he answers the door.

Marinette says hello and walks in. Felix, being the gentleman he is, shut the door behind her.

"Follow me," Felix said to Marinette. They both walked upstairs into Adrien's room and then into another room beside Adrien's room.

"This is my place I guess. I have a mattress in Adrien's room in case if I get uncomfortable at night though." Felix explained to his friend. Marinette nodded.

"Ohh I see. Nice place though," Marinette commented.

"Sure is a nice place now that I think about it." Felix nodded in reply to Marinette.

"Am I allowed to call you Mari?" Felix randomly blurted out to her. Marinette nodded a yes.

"Yeah, of course. All my friends call me that, I kinda knew you were about to ask me that soon." Marinette responded to Felix.

"Also, do you have any certain feelings for someone, just out of curiosity?" Felix asked.

"Hmm... well maybe Adrien. Maybe you also, because you seem amazing like him." Marinette replied honestly to him.

"Oh okay then." Felix leaned closer to her. "So, would you mind if we did this?"

Felix grabbed Marinette's waist and pulled her into a kiss. They both laid down on the bed still kissing, Felix on top and Marinette on the bottom.

"Felix?" They both pulled away, Marinette still feeling the saliva from his kiss on her lips.

"Yes?" Felix replied to his crush.

"Did that feel.. right to you?"

"Well, it felt right to me at least, what makes you say that?"

"Because it just didn't feel right. I mean, I am glad I got my first kiss though."

"I wanna say I'm glad to hear that, but I also wanna say oh I'm sorry."

"Oh okay."

Felix and Marinette left the room without saying anything. Marinette waved goodbye to Felix and ran downstairs. Her little droplets of tears became sobbing waterfalls as she ran out of the house.

"Tikki, please, transform me..."
Adrien stood behind his door watching Felix. He was not exactly sure what emotions to feel because he witnessed his brother kissing a girl from his school.

I don't like her, but why do I feel jealous? Adrien asked himself in his mind. He shook it off as he heard screams from outside his window.

"Uhh, I have to go to the bathroom real quick, I'll be right back brother." Adrien sprinted into his bathroom.

Adrien shut his door and locked it, then pulling Plagg out from his jacket pocket. "Plagg, you know what time it is."

(A/N: I swear if any of you comments 'It's High Noon' I will loose it).

(Actually, I'm kidding. Go ahead and comment whatever).

Ladybug jumped up from her crying place in alarm as she heard fatal screams. She saw a teenager wearing rainbow spray painted clothing. Everything was rainbow colored including his hair, paint can, t-shirt, pants, and shoes.

"Well speak of a bad day, I must say." Ladybug mumbled under her breath. She launched her yo-yo and it wrapped around a nearby ladder. Ladybug flew over to the ladder and peaked over at the enemy.

"You can never escape the Corbata (Tie Dye in Spanish) artist!" The villain cried out loud. Ladybug narrowed her eyes and waited to attack.

Three... Two... Ladybug counted down in her head. She accidentally lost balance and dropped towards the hard concrete sidewalk.

Right there and then, Ladybug was expecting a concussion. Fortunately, she landed in someone's arms.

"Nice save, Kitty!" Ladybug smiled to who she thought was her partner. She looked at him closely.

"Wait," Ladybug grabbed her yo-yo and tied up the person who caught her in it. "Who are you?"

"I go by," the person smirked. "Black Cat. I'm no copycat though."

Who could he be? Leave your answers in the comments! ;)

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