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"so, about buying your love-"

"just cause I kissed back doesn't mean anything," jimin interrupts, knowing where yoongi was going with this. he expected the older to get disappointed, but his arrogant smile only got more intense.

"yea but you see jimin, you didnt just kiss back, you let me take your virginity," yoongi reminds jimin, causing the younger's cheeks to flush

"that still doesn't mean anything," he says, crossing his arms over his chest. yoongi smiles at him.

"then let's just play a game," yoongi says, changing the subject.

"like what?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at him.

"twenty one questions," he says, and jimin rolls his eyes, but goes along with it anyway.

"alright. I'll go first. where are you from?"

"daegu, my turn. how many thousand dollars will it take to get you to date me?" He asks quickly, and jimin snort.

"more than you can afford, sweetheart," jimin says calmly, and he purses his lips, but he still doesnt let any emotion show.

"alright, fair game. your turn," he says, and jimin thinks for a second.

"when do you plan on telling Leila you're a cheating dickhead?" jimin asks, and yoongi smiles at him.

"now, actually," he says, pulling out his phone. jimins eyes widen, and he watched as yoongi dials his girlfriends number, holding the phone to his ear.

"oh hey leila, I'm just calling to say that I'm breaking up with you because I cheated on you with jimin. oh, and I know youve been sleeping with tons of other guys behind my back, so this shouldn't be that big of a deal for you," he says, sourness seeping through his tone. he ends the call, turning off his phone and setting it aside.

he stares at jimin for a second, who gets nervous.

"my turn, jiminnie. what do you feel for me?"


"be truthful," yoongi says, his tone calm and flat, which kind of scares him.

jimin gulps.

"nothing," he says again, and yoongi raises an eyebrow.

"oh really?" he asks, and jimin knows yoongi can tell hes lying, but hed never admit to it.

"alright then, youre turn," yoongi says, leaning forward and clasping his hands together.

"what do you feel for me?" jimin asks, his eyes widening in realization after his own sentence.

suddenly, yoongi leans forward, kissing jimin. it was only a short kiss, but it was enough to make jimins blood heat up and for his heart to pump furiously.

"did that answer your question?" yoongi asks, taking jimins silence as a yes. he sits back in his hair. "your turn," jimin says.

Yoongi leans forward, pressing his hand against jimins chest.

"if you don't feel anything for me, why is your heart beating so fast?"



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