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Third pov

It was early morning when Phil awoke. The sun shining brightly through his apartment window and waking him up. The first thing he herd was slight shuffling from the from next to his. Dan's room.

Before he could reach for his glasses on his bedside table. The occurances from last night rained through his head. Everything dumping down on him at once. He covered his face as he begun to blush.

I hadn't retaliated badly...
I didn't pull away when he kissed me...
Why did he kiss me...
I cant say I didn't like it...
Maybe I like Dan?

Phil shook the thought out of his head as he got up. Without hesitation he walked out of his room. Dan was also coming out of his room. Looking down at his phone. He didn't see
Phil. Since Dan's door was next to his and both pointed into the hallway. They collided.

Dan was a lot more stronger then Phil so he kept his balance. While Phil fell backwards back into his room.

" Shit sorry!" Dan apologised holding a hand out for Phil to take.

Phil did and got up.
" We need to talk" is all Phil blurted out when he stood up.

Dan let go of Phil's and slowly nodded.
" I understand".

" What was that anyway?" Phil got straight to the point as he started to walk down the hallway.

" I-".

Dan was cut off when they herd a very violent banging on the door.
The same thought was running through their heads.

'Was it another vampire?'

" Wait here" Dan instructed as he raced down to the door.

Phil was left on the hallway, still not knowing what to think.

Dan opened the door, ready for a new vampire that could potentially be a threat. Instead he opened the door to a grinning Tyler Oakley.
His glasses looked slightly off like he was in a rush. His hair was a mess and he looked like he randomly threw his clothes on. His white T shift creased, and his black pants looked old and worn. He looked stressed.

" Tyler?" Dan asked.

" Okay, let me get straight to the point" The queen said as he casually walked inside, not waiting to be invited in. Tyler left Dan to close the door for him.
" I know you're a vampire because I am one too, I'm older then you so go have to listen to me-".

" Wait what?" Dan asked, so confused by the rush of information.

Tyler rolled his eyes, clearly not wanting to deal with explaining things.
" I haven't got time for this!" He wined.
He smiled, showing off his teeth, along with his visuals fangs.

Dan's eye widened at the sharp teeth. He now began to sense that Tyler was in fact an older vampire then him.

Why would another vampire, Tyler, who would be old enough to control himself, be here. Was it to get to Phil for reason? Or pick a fight with him? What was going on?

" Where's Phil?" Tyler asked while he rushed upstairs.

Dan followed.
" Wait what?! Tyler what's going on and I won't let you see Phil until-".

" Chill I won't hurt him, I'm here to save you guys-" Tyler was now in the hallway, where Phil was still waiting. Tyler eyed Phil, who was standing awkwardly not knowing why Tyler was impacting him.
" Beside I can smell you all over him".

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