My captor

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'I only managed to say one thing'

Phil's pov

I sat in my chair, the chair I had been in for...who knows how long. I had lost track of time because of the absence of light or a clock or anything to indicate what time it was. Not knowing what time it was, was slowly driving me crazy. I knew I hadn't been here that long, no more then 24 hours at least.
I don't know how long actually.

All I knew is I still had a blindfold over my eyes, it stopped me from seeing anything, but I was sorta glad for that. I didn't exactly have to urge to see my captors face. But then again not being able to put a face to that dark menacing voice that is somehow smooth as ice cream, was terrifying.

I shifted as much as I could in my hard wooden chair. My rear had gone numb because of me sitting for too long.
How long had I been here again?

Thankfully my arm had stopped bleeding, that's a positive. At least I wasn't going to die from blood loss. But the down side to that was that my arm was now covered in my dry blood. I could feel it layered over my skin and every time I moved my muscles it felt...weird with it over my skin. Like a dry layer that didn't bend with my skins movements.

Where was Dan?
Was he trying to find me?
He probably was but I don't know how much he knows about this. Hell, I don't even know much about this.
I don't know anything.
I don't know where I am, who put me here, why, who, what, when and how were all unknown to me.

My head snapped up when I herd the creaking of a door opening. The door sounded heavy and really needed oiling, considering the high-pitched sound it made when moved.
Heavy footsteps entered slowly. The door then closed just as slow and I was forced to listen to the ear wrenching high-kitchen sound one more.

The footsteps immediately came over to me. I internally winced as they came closer.

Did I know this person?
Where they the same person as before?
But I just wanted to know, what did they want from me?

I herd them sigh.

" Do you know why you're here?" The same dark voice as before asked.

Relief mixed with dread flooded through me. I was relieved because it was someone that I sort of knew, although I was scared from them, because we have 'met' before strangely, I don't feel so alone. But I was terrified, I knew what he would do to be, going on what he's already done.
I just hope it doesn't get worse.

In response to his question I just shook my head. I didn't have tape on my mouth, so I could speak of I so desired. But I felt that if I spoke, my voice would fail me.

"It's not so much you-" he paused.
" Being you. Although you are a lovely human I might add. But I'm more after the people looking for you. Now I have met them before but have never had leverage".

He walked over to me and sat down on my lap again. His torso facing mine. I felt his breath on my face that smelt like mint and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

It would be an understatement to say that I was uncomfortable.

" But that's what you are my friend, but while you're here why not use you to get information, so I propose this:" he took in a small breath.

Then he leant in so that he could whisper in my ear.
" As long as you do what you're told, you won't get cut".

Shivers racked down my spine as his voice echoed in my head. But then I realised something, I had herd his voice many of times before. But I couldn't put my finger on it. I had herd his deep voice somewhere multiple times and I couldn't believe that I hadn't realised that I have herd it before. But I could tell where.

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