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Phil's pov

It felt as thought I was floating. Floating in semi-warm thick water, I tired to open my eyes but all that I saw was black. A dull pain ran throughout my body, it stopped me from moving, I feared that if I did, that it would hurt even more. I couldn't move. So I tired to scream, although I couldn't open my mouth. I knew I was making some sort of noise.
But for who?
I didn't know where I was.
Was I back in that room?
No I remember Dan saving me.
Oh no!
Is Dan okay?
Am I okay?
Where am I?
Where's Mark?
I had no idea of anything.
I tried to calm down, discovering I had control over my breathing was a relief.
It was only then that I discovered hat I could hear.

It was mostly silence, a quiet ringing in my ears filling the absence of sound. I tried to 'tune in' more. I herd shuffling and ruffling of material. It was soft sounds. I herd the faint sound of water running in the distance, from a tap. From another room.
I herd mumbled voices coming from the same direction. The same room I think.
They were soft, like they were talking about a topic that no one wanted to talk about, or someone was consoling another. Whatever they were discussing, the walls made it to muffled to hear.

The dull pain I had been experiencing had only worsened. It now was a pain that I couldn't ignore. In some places it was worse then others. I felt like I had been in a dryer, then it had been turned up to maximum.

My attention was pulled away from my suffering to hear footsteps headed my way. I attempted to open my eyes in order to see who it was. But I still couldn't move.

" I don't know what's going to happen" the familiar voice of Dan said softly.
I could hear him say it from a distance away.

" Well, I think you should focus on getting your bearings back...and helping Phil" An Irish voice said.
It sounded vaguely familiar.

" Yeah" I herd Dan say softly.

Dan sounded as if he was right next to me. I felt his hand brush my fringe out of my eyes. My first instinct was to flinch away from any touch, of course I couldn't, I was unable to move. But why would I want to flinch away from Dan's touch?
I trusted him...

" I just hope he's okay after all of this" I herd Dan say, his voice sounding vulnerable.

I herd the scrapping of a chair against the ground next to me.
" I know how harsh Mark can be at times. Believe me, I've lived it. But we just have to trust that he can get through it, and with you here to help him. He'll be fine" I herd the Irish console Dan.
Was that... Sean?

I herd Dan sigh. Then I felt a hand on mine and I just knew that it was Dan's. He took it so gently, like I was a fragile flower and could be broken by a gust of wind.

" Please be okay" I herd him whisper, this time his voice breaking.

I felt my heart shatter at how sad he was to see me like this. I don't doubt that he would have seen what Mark did to me. It made my stomach churn thinking about it.
Then the memories of what happened came back.

It was just a short snip-it of Mark slicing my arm. The sharp cold blade coming into contact with my untouched skin...
The burning sensation that climbed it's way up my arm like fire...
How I felt my blood seep out of the wound and down my arm...

I felt a tear escape my eye, the warm substance slowly ran down the side of my face. The wet trail growing cold with time.

The desire to hug Dan overwhelmed me, I wanted to hold him close. Have him tell me that everything was going to be okay. That he would be here to protect me always. How I wanted to be warm and safe.

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