Chapter 3

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Myrtle Beach was actually kind of shitty. It must have just been the aesthetic of the place that made everyone love it. Everyone including Brendon. Their show went great, and afterwards Brendon was buzzed and insisted that they buy fireworks. Dallon tried to reason with him, because it's illegal to shoot fireworks on Myrtle Beach. But Brendon's heart was set.

So they went to some little shack and bought enough fireworks to bomb an entire country, and headed to the beach. Brendon's shirt seemed to vaporize as soon as their feet hit the sand, and Zack made sure their car was parked close by in case they had to make a run for it. All of them had arms full of fireworks, and Brendon began to take them all and line them up on the sand. Dallon noticed several people on their boucanies, watching them on the beach in the dark.

"Zack, hand me the other lighter." Brendon said, holding out his hand to the older man. Zack dug around in his pocket and produced a second lighter, which he handed to Brendon. 

Dallon was having a hard time keeping his eyes off of Brendon, whose muscles basically glowed in the moonlight. The singer was bouncing in excitement as Zack pulled all of the fuses out of the fireworks and put them all as close together as possible. Then, after Zack nodded, Brendon began to light them all at one time. Zack helped, but Brendon did most of them. Then they both ran towards the water, leaving the others to follow them, while the fireworks shot off. Dallon could hear people cheering; watching from their hotels. Brendon shoved his jeans and underwear off, and ran into the salty water. 

"Come on guys, let's swim before the cops come!" Brendon yelled, but none of the others wanted to. Especially when they heard police sirens over the sound of fireworks. 

"Too late for that! Come on Brendon, we gotta get out of here!" Zack yelled back, and Brendon did his best to run back to the shore, but it's pretty hard to run through water. Dallon was really  having a hard time keeping his eyes off of Brendon now, as the shorter man ran up to them with dripping hair and no clothes. He grabbed his things off of the ground and held the bundle of cloth in front of his crotch as they all ran to the car, the sounds of sirens getting closer and closer.

They climbed into the SUV and Brendon let Spencer sit in the front, and he sat next to Dallon. 

"Are you not gonna put your clothes back on?" Dallon asked, looking over at Brendon, who only smiled and raised an eyebrow. The bassist scoffed and faced the front again, leaving Brendon to giggle and cross his legs.

"I wanna wait til I'm dry first." Brendon said. "I hate putting clothes on when I'm wet."

Dallon only rolled his eyes. That sounded like bullshit to him. 

"I wish it was a hotel night." Brendon mumbled in Dallon's ear, leaning into the taller man. Dallon hoped no one could see them. They were in the very back row of seats and the car was pitch black, so he figured they were out of sight. He still didn't respond; he only sighed and nodded.

Suddenly, the car was illuminated by blue light as two police cars pulled behind them. 

"Shit!" Zack said, and stepped on the gas. The car sped forward, causing Brendon to fly forward as well because of his lack of a seatbelt. Dallon got a full view of the singer's ass before they turned sharply, sending Brendon basically into Dallon's lap. 

Dallon was a little scared, honestly. While the other cheered Zack on, he stayed quiet. He had never done anything illegal, and here he was in a police chase because he and his friends had shot illegal fireworks on Myrtle Beach. And to top it all off, Brendon was naked and pressed against him as they sped through the city. Myrtle Beach didn't have traffic lights on the Grand Strand, so Zack sped through moving traffic as he tried to lose the cops. He turned down roads and circled back to where they started, then sped out to the main road. 

After several minutes, the cops were gone from behind them. Zack kept driving, all the way out of Myrtle Beach and in the direction of their next stop. Brendon was still naked, but all of the night's excitement had him dead tired, and he was falling asleep on Dallon's shoulder as they drove down the interstate. Dallon didn't mind though, and he grabbed Brendon's clothes from beside them on the leather seats and draped the singer's shirt over him as best as he could. 


Their next show was a rather eventful one. For one it was hot as hell, meaning Brendon stripped off his dress shirt halfway through the second song. Second, Brendon was on Dallon's side of the stage even more than usual.

The beginning of 'Sins' went as always; Brendon and Dallon sang into the same mic and made it look as intimate as they possibly could. But Brendon wasn't satisfied with that. One of his hands snaked down to Dallon's crotch, his palm pressing against the bassist's dick. Dallon gasped and his fingers almost lost their place against the strings, but he managed to keep up as Brendon smirked at him in between the verse and the chorus.

Brendon bent over in front of Dallon during 'Lying', looking back over his shoulder at the taller man as he sang. Then he turned around and made a show of singing the words at Dallon, as the crowd went wild.

"I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck, than any girl you'll ever meet." He sang in that damn low voice, moaning out the word 'fuck' and changing 'boy' to 'girl' as he stood on his tiptoes and tangled his fingers in Dallon's hair. Brendon didn't know it, but Dallon really had a thing for getting his hair pulled.

Dallon was glad he had his bass in front of him, because if he didn't then everyone in the crowd would be getting a full view of his boner through his dress pants. He was a little frustrated with Brendon, because he and the singer both knew that after the show they were going out to eat at some bar with all of the crew, and after that they would all be back on the tour bus together. That meant there would be no time for Dallon to get rid of his raging fucking hard-on. He'd just have to suffer through the night.

During their introductions, Dallon made sure to add in a few more words than usual when he introduced Brendon to the audience. Brendon made sure to call Dallon a "Hot, tall drink of water" and smack him on the ass.

"The man, the legend! Never once a passer-by to pass him by! The master of the house! Your sexy lead singer, Mr. Brendon Urie!" Dallon yelled into the microphone as the crowd cheered for Brendon, who turned towards them and struck a pose. The singer smiled at Dallon and said into his microphone, "Thanks Dallon, I liked that one more than usual."

"You're welcome." Dallon said, and Brendon surprisingly didn't make any more comments as 'Hurricane' began. 

The rest of the show went by without any events, and at the end while the all took a bow Brendon kissed Dallon on the cheek, which caused the crowd to cheer. It wasn't anything unusual; the fans were used to Brendon and Dallon acting like this on stage. Recently it was getting more and more intense, but no one seemed to mind. It was just for show anyway, just a joke. Right?

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