Chapter 8

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The next couple of weeks Dallon spent at home with his family, spending time before they had to go back on tour. The album was getting closer and closer to being finished, and Brendon was working with one of his good friends to finish the songs. Butch was a producer, and Dallon had only met him a couple of times but he knew he was damn good at what he did. Brendon had called him recently to ask him to come over. He said that they were going to work on some finishing touches for the record, but Dallon knew what that meant. Especially when Brendon said that Sarah would be away for the day. 

He had gone and had lunch with Ian days prior, just to catch up. He liked Ian, even if Ian had a pretty low opinion of Brendon. 

He was on the way to Brendon's house currently, not able to help how excited he was. He missed Brendon, even though their relationship made him a little worried. Especially with his new realization; Breezy was pregnant. 

She hadn't taken a test or told him yet, but he knew. She threw up in the mornings and craved the same foods she had when she was pregnant with their daughter. He knew she would be happy about it, and he was too, but at the same time he knew it would only make him feel worse about what he was doing with Brendon.

He pulled into Brendon's driveway and parked, and Brendon met him at the front door. "Dal!" He said, pulling the taller man into a hug. Brendon's face was buried in Dallon's chest as Dallon wrapped his arms around the singer, his heart thumping in his chest. He was always excited to see Brendon. 

"Hey, Bren." He greeted in return, as he stepped inside. Well, more like Brendon pulled him inside and then pressed him up against the door as soon as it was closed. Dallon let out short gasp before Brendon stood on his tiptoes and pressed their lips together, their noses bumping as Brendon rushed to get his tongue in Dallon's mouth. 

"Jeez," Dallon mumbled. "You're eager." 

Brendon pulled back and said, "Sorry, it's just that this is so much better with you." He started kissing Dallon's neck just the way Dallon liked. "You're so good at.. everything. You make me feel so fucking good." 

It was true, and it wasn't only in a physical way. Yeah, that was a large part of it, because Dallon was really good at sex, but it was also something else. Being with Dallon was like going to a place you hadn't visited in a while, and it was exactly the same. It was comfortable and reassuring. He knew Dallon wanted him, and he wanted Dallon just as bad, if not more. 

Dallon's hands slid down to Brendon's ass, and Brendon smiled. Dallon always complimented him on his ass, and he was always touching it, and honestly Brendon liked it. The smaller man jumped and hooked his legs over Dallon's hips, with Dallon holding him up by the bottoms of his thighs. "You should fuck me like this." Brendon said, his hands in Dallon's hair as they kissed. Dallon hummed into Brendon's mouth, carrying the younger man to the bedroom. He'd never been there before, and Brendon hummed in approval as Dallon carried him inside and pressed him against the wall. 

"Hold me up like this," Brendon said, "And fuck me."

Dallon nodded. "You have to get your clothes off first, though." Dallon said, letting go of Brendon so that the singer fell back to his feet, standing between Dallon and the wall. He was instantly stripping, throwing his clothes to the floor as Dallon did the same.

"God, you're so hot." Brendon said, and Dallon smirked before he lifted Brendon up again, wedging the smaller man between himself and the wall. Brendon had the lube sitting on his bedside table, and Dallon grabbed it. Brendon focused on kissing Dallon's neck, but not leaving marks. They had to be careful, because any marks that they left on eachother could give their secret away. 

After a couple of hours, the two of them were finally working on music. Dallon was surprised at how much Brendon had done. He only needed Dallon's help with a few things, because he had done the rest of it himself. It dawned on Dallon that Brendon honestly didn't even need him to write music, the singer was perfectly capable of doing this on his own. He didn't know if he should be worried about that, or flattered that Brendon asked for his help anyway. 

"Bren, some of these songs are a little suspicious." Dallon said.

"What do you mean?" Brendon asked.

"Casual Affair? A song about a secret lover?" Dallon said, reading over the lyrics. "Far Too Young to Die? These lyrics are so obviously about us."

Brendon smirked. "I don't know what you mean." 

"Collar Full of Chemistry is actually kind of sweet." Dallon said. 

"Yeah those three are all a hundred percent about you." Brendon admitted. "I think I'm gonna call that one Collar Full though. Cause it sounds like colorful."

Dallon smiled. He had a couple of things written for Brendon, and the two of them spent the rest of the night finishing what they had, and they even managed to write another song, called Boy That You Love. But Brendon insisted that they change it to 'girl', because he was scared that saying 'boy' would be too obvious, because like most of the songs on the album, the lyrics completely applied to he and Dallon.

Sarah came home during the early hours of the morning, setting her bags down as she entered the house. Brendon and Dallon were at the table, sending files from Brendon's computer to Butch's. 

"Hey, babe!" Sarah said, smiling. 

Dallon couldn't help but smile at her as Brendon greeted her in return. She was so pretty and quirky. She was honestly perfect for Brendon. Meanwhile, Brendon was perfect for Dallon. Dallon could tell that Sarah made Brendon happy, and while he was sad that he couldn't be in her place, he liked seeing Brendon happy. 

"Hi, Dallon!" Sarah said, smiling cheerfully at Dallon as she tossed her dark, perfect curls over her shoulder.

"Hey, Sarah, how are you?" Dallon said. 

"I'm great actually, I just got back from shopping and hanging with some of my girlfriends." Sarah replied. Dallon had only ever talked to Sarah a few times before, but she was always incredibly easy to talk to. 

"That's sweet, what did you get me?" Brendon teased, in a valley girl accent. Sarah rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. 

"Well, a couple of shirts and a pair of shoes. I think you'll like them." She said. "Dallon, are you spending the night?"

Dallon shook his head. "No, I gotta get home. I told Breezy I'd be back before the morning." 

"Even with how late it is?" Sarah asked. "We have a guest bedroom. Brendon has a lot of his junk in there, but there's plenty of room if you want to just stay here."

Dallon tried not to think about how if she wasn't here, he wouldn't even need a guest room, because he'd be in the bed with her soon-to-be-husband. He shook his head again, and said, "I would, but I don't want Breezy to worry if she wakes up I'm not there. She's probably already asleep, so I can't call and tell her about the change of plans." 

Sarah smiled and nodded, "Okay, well just know you're always welcome."

Brendon sent Dallon a look, smirking at the taller man with dark eyes where Sarah couldn't see. Dallon ignored it and thanked Sarah, before he started to gather his things. Sarah went to their bedroom, where Dallon and Brendon had sex only hours before, to put away her new things. Brendon used this time to kiss Dallon's lips and smack the bassist on the ass as he walked out the door. Dallon couldn't help but feel paranoid about Sarah being here. What if she somehow figured out what Brendon and Dallon had done earlier? What if she had somehow just seen them kiss? He told Brendon goodbye quickly and hurried to his car, thinking long and hard about this situation as he drove home. 

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