Chapter 7

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The next week dragged by. Dallon had to get back into the swing of his home life. Being on tour with a bunch of dudes was a lot different than living in a house with two females. He was glad to have a break from the house when he met with Brendon.

He smiled widely when he saw Brendon waiting for him in the cafe that was halfway between his and Dallon's house. His heart jumped in his chest when Brendon smiled back at him. He walked over to the table and sat down across from Brendon, whose dark, kind eyes sparkled in the warm sunlight. Dallon had almost forgotten how beautiful Brendon was, despite it have only being a little longer than a week since they'd seen each other. 

"Hey." Brendon said. 

"Hey." Dallon said back, grinning. 

Brendon laughed for no reason, and said, "It's good to see you again."

"I missed you." Dallon said. 

"Yeah, I missed you too." Brendon said. 


"Fuck, Dal.." Brendon moaned, rolling his hips down into Dallon's as he rode Dallon on Brendon's living room couch. 

"Missed this so much." Dallon mumbled, thrusting up into Brendon as he gripped the singer's hips. 

"Oh my god, me too." Brendon moaned, being as loud as he wanted because they were home alone. Sarah was gone for the next couple of days because she was visiting family. 

"I couldn't stop thinking about you." Dallon said, his fingers digging into Brendon's hips as he sped up. Brendon's sweat was causing his hair to stick to his forehead, and soft moans escaped his parted lips every time Dallon snapped his hips upwards into the younger man.

"Me either." Brendon breathed. "Even- even when Sarah and I had sex. Kept imagining you."

Dallon smiled. At least he wasn't the only one. "Same here." He said, wrapping a hand around Brendon's dick and jacking him off. Brendon moaned and tossed his head back, one of his hands grabbing at the back of the couch to help his balance. 

They only lasted a few more seconds, and afterwards they took a shower together before sitting at Brendon's table to start working on music.

Brendon didn't have a studio for himself yet, but he was talking about having a house built with a studio just for him and Panic. Currently, they were just working on lyrics. Brendon hummed the melody he had in mind for Dallon, giving the older musician an idea. 

"I kinda wanna dedicate this to Spencer, and how he's leaving the band because of his addiction. I've got the main idea down." Brendon said, then he sang, "If you love me let me go." Twice, in the way that fit with the music he had written already.

"So, you want it to be about him dealing with his addiction? I'm guessing that line is about you, letting him go because you love him." Dallon said, and Brendon nodded. "So.. the fear of falling apart. You're scared we're not gonna make it without him, so you're scared the band is gonna fall apart. But he's scared that he is gonna fall apart, which is more important." 

Brendon smiled. "If you love me let me go, the fear of falling apart." He said, then he hummed a couple of different melodies.

"It needs something between them." Brendon said.

"These words often leave scars." Dallon said. "Or better, these words are knives and often leave scars."

Brendon's smile grew as he scribbled that down onto his paper. "I was thinking something along 'the lines of 'I was never yours'." Brendon said.

"Truth be told, I never was yours. The fear of falling apart." Dallon sang softly.

"That's perfect." Brendon said, writing it down. "You're really good at coming up with lyrics. That's one of the reasons I wanted you to be an official member."

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