Chapter 10

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Brendon treated Dallon the same for the next month of touring; he acted like all of the things they'd done together never happened, he acted like brallon really had always been a joke. It hurt Dallon more than he could describe. How had Brendon just flipped a switch like that? Why? They had gone from having passionate sex and cuddling afterwards, whispering compliments to eachother and sneaking kisses backstage; to this. Barely any interaction, other than Brendon and Zack's 'jokes' about Dallon.

It changed one night though, when they all went to a party after a show on their next tour. Brendon was shitfaced after the first hour, and even Dallon was drinking. Mostly he was drinking to distract himself from the way Brendon treated him.

Dallon noticed something though; Drunk Brendon treated him way better than sober Brendon.

Brendon was talking to Dallon the way they used to, the same way he'd talk to Zack or Kenny or Dan. And maybe it was just because Dallon was drunk to, but sometimes it even felt like Brendon was flirting.

That night was a hotel night. Brendon had stopped rooming with Dallon weeks ago, chosing to stay with Zack instead. But tonight, the singer followed Dallon into his hotel room with a smirk, stumbling a little as they walked inside.

"What are you doing?" Dallon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I dunno, what are you doing?" Brendon asked, giggling as he grabbed the back of Dallon's neck, pulling the taller man down to kiss his lips.

"You're drunk." Dallon said.

"So are you, so let's make the most of it." Brendon said, deepening their kiss and pushing Dallon towards the bed. The bassist's legs hit the mattress and he let Brendon push him backwards so he was laying down, then the singer straddled him, kissing his neck.


"You want this just as bad as I do." Brendon said, running his hand along the outline of Dallon's half-hard dick in his black jeans. Dallon only hesitated for a moment before he nodded, and Brendon smirked before he began to kiss Dallon again, only this time it was better because Dallon was participating more. The older man's hands traveled all over Brendon's body; down his sides to his hips, to his ass, and then under his shirt, brushing over the muscles that didn't used to be this prominent. Brendon sat back long enough to pull his shirt off over his head, tossing it to the floor.

"I've been working out." He said, flexing his muscles for good measure. Dallon rolled his eyes at Brendon's conceited comment. Honestly, he liked the way Brendon used to look better. Brendon was still hot, but Dallon liked how soft and small he used to be. He was still pretty little, but his muscles made him look more mature and manly, and even his face looked different. Dallon stopped thinking about that, though, when Brendon's hands pulled his jeans down and wrapped around his erection.  

Brendon was just as good at this as he used to be, and Dallon wondered if he had been with anyone else other than Sarah recently. Not that he cared- okay, yes he did care. But he wasn't allowed to be jealous. "I want you so bad right now, oh my god." Brendon said. "I want this with you so bad."

Dallon had never had sex drunk before, and he was finding out that it actually wasn't that different than sober. Except it was sloppier, not that that was a bad thing. They didn't last long before they were coming, moaning each other's names softly. This was followed by Brendon laying in Dallon's arms the way he always used to, until the smaller man decided he wanted round two. Which Dallon was completely okay with, considering Brendon was extremely hot and Dallon loved him. And in the moment, Dallon felt like Brendon loved him too.


"Oh my god!" 

Dallon shot up in the bed, his eyes wide before he felt how bad his head hurt, then he closed them. When he opened them again, he was faced with Zack at the foot of the bed, and a very naked Brendon lying over him in the bed. The smaller man blinked awake, looking up at Dallon before his eyes went wide and filled with something that looked like fire, before he recoiled from Dallon, pulling the blankets with, accidentally revealing that Dallon was naked as well. There was no hiding what they'd done; their clothes were tossed all over the floor and there was even a bottle of lube on the bedside table.

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