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abandon vbawartha-

abandonment name awarth

abhor vbfuia-

abhorrence, horror, fear, dread, detestation, loathing name delos [delys]

abhorrent, detestable, abominable adj. thoren

abhorrent, detestable, abominable, foul adjthaur

abiding, steadfast adj. him abiding, true adjthand [thaind]

able-bodied men (troop of), manhood, manpower, host, regiment, people, region, wilderness name gwaith [gwaith]

abound vbovra-

about, around prefos-

about, concerning prepo

above prefor-

above prepor

abovementioned, the  name  yana, tana

abundant adjovor [evyr]

abyss, chasm, void, gulf name dath [daith]

abyss, chasm, void, gulf name 

according to prepben

according to, as, like advbe

account, tale name trenarn [trenern]

acre, sown field name rîdh

across, beyond prepathar

across, over, beyond prefthar-

action, readiness for, vigour, fiery spirit name hûr [huir]

actor name tyaro

actual name anwa

acute, keen, sharp adjlaeg

add up v. onot

adhering adj. himba

administrative district, shire name trann [train]

admiration (exclamation of) interjelo!

adult male, male name dîr [dîr

adviser name saelor [saelyr]

affect, concern vbpessa

affect, trouble, disturb vbpresta-

affection name prestanneth [prestennith]

affection, love, kindness name mîl [mîl]

affliction, heavy burden name caul

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