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table name talfin [telfin]

tale, account name trenarn [trenern]

tale, novel name sinnarn [sinnern]

tale, saga name narn [nern]

tall adj. tond [tynd]

tangled adj. galadhremmen [galadhremmin]

tangled, woven, netted adj. remmen [remmin]

tea name lasguil

tea name suithlas

teach vb. goltha-

teach vb. saeda-

tear name nîn [nîn]

tear, cut vb. rista-

tear, weeping name nîr [nîr]

tearful adj. níniel [nínil]

tearful, damp, wet adj. nîd [nîd]

Teler name glinnel [glinnil]

Teler (member of the Third Clan of the Elves) name teler [telir]

Teleri (People) name Telerrim

tell (a story) vb. nara-

tell to end, recount vb. trenar-

temptation name úthaes [úthaes]

ten cardinal caer

ten cardinal pae

tengwa, letter, sign name têw [tîw]

tenth ordinal paenui

terrible creature, demon name raug [roeg]

terrible, dire, fell adj. goeol [goeoel]

terrify vb. gruitha-

terror, dread name gost [gyst]

thank vb. hanna-

thanks name hannad [hennaid]

that pron. rel. i

that dem. pron. taw?

thatch name taus [toes]

the art./pron. i [in]

them (inanimates) pron.hain

then conj. taare

there adv. ennas

these pron. Sin

theth adj. paenen

thick, fat adj. tûg [tuig]

thin, fragile, slender adj. nind [nind]

thin, lean, meager adj. lhain [lîn]

thin, lean, meager adj. lhain [lhîn? or lîn?]

thing name nad [naid]

thing, article for exchange, ware, name bach [baich]

third ordinal nail

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