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I pron. ni

ice name heleg [helig]

icicle name aeglos [aeglys]

idea name naw [noe]

idea, guess, notion name inc [inc]

if conj. ae

ill deed, sin name úgarth [úgerth]

ill, sick, sickly adj. lhaew [lhaew]

immortal, name of a flower name alfirin [alfirin]

impetuous, hasty, vigorous adj. gorn [gyrn]

impetuous, rushing adj. alag [elaig]

impetuous, violent, rushing adj. ascar [escair]

impetus name gorf [gyrf] 

in prep. mi

in prep. vi

in (used of time) prep. ned

in, beneath, under name dî [dî]

in, inside pref. ne-

incite vb. meltha-

incline name talad [telaid]

inclined, slant down adv. Dadbenn [dedbinn]

index finger name lebdas [lebdais]

inner mind, heart name gûr [guir]

inner thought, mind, meaning, heart name ind [ind]

innumerable, countless adj. aronoded [erenedid]

insecure, falling, slipping adj. talt [telt?]

insert, stick in vb. nestag-

inside pref. nedh-

inside, in pref. ne- 

instead, rather adv. sennui

insult name eithad [eithaid]

it pron. ha

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