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O! interj. a

oak tree name doron [deryn]

oath name gwest [gwist]

oath, bond, troth name gwaedh [gwaedh]

oblique, slanting adj. adlant [edlaint]

obscure, dark, dusky, misty adj. doll [dyll]

obscure, dim, overshadow, veil vb.gwathra-

obscure, foggy, vague adj. hethu [hethy]

obstinate adj. tarlanc [terlainc]

occasion, time name lû [lui]

ocean, great sea name Aearon [Aearyn?mGaearyn?]

ocean, sea name aear [aeair]ocean, sea name gaear [gaeair]

October name narbeleth

odor name ûl [uil]

of prep ned

of bear, bearish adj. medlin [medlin]

of copper adj. rustui

of crystal adj. ivorcheneb

of crystal adj. ivren [ivrin]

of healing adj. nestadren [nestedrin]

of iron adj. angren [engryn]

of silver adj. celevon

of stone adj. gonui

of the shore adj. falathren [felethrin]

of willow, having willows adj. tathren [tethrin]

of wool, woolen adj. taw [toe]

off! be off! interj. ego!

Oiolossë name Uilos

old, ancient, former adj. iaur [ioer]

old, worn adj. brûn [bruin]

old, worn (od things) adj. gern [girn]

old, year sick adj. ingem [ingim]

on prep. bo

on both sides pref. ath-

on the other side, distant, far, further adj. hae [hae]

on this side of prep. nef

One of the Forsaken, Sinda name egol

one, anybody, somebody pron. pen [pin]

one, lone, alone pref. er-

one, number one name min, mîn

one-handed name erchamion [erchemyn]

one-handed name erchammon [erchemmyn]

one-handed name erchammui [erchammui]

open vb. edra-

open space, level name land [laind]

open, cleared, plain, flat, wide adj. laden [ledin]

open, enlarge vb. panna-

opening, gap, mountain pass name dîn [dîn]

oppress, constrain vb. baugla-

oppression, compulsion, duress, need, tyranny name thang [theng]

oppressive, cruel, tyrannous adj. baug [boeg]

oppressor, constrainer, tyrant name bauglir [bauglir]

oppressor, constrainer, tyrant name baugron [baugryn]

or conj. egor

orc name glamog [glemyg]

orc, bogey, monster name urug

Orch name orch [yrch]

Orient, sunrise, East name amrún [emrŷn]

orkish adj. erchion [erchyn] 

our pron. vín

out, forth, away adv. e-

out, forth, away adv. ed-

outcry, clamour, cry, shout name caun [coen]

outer fence, encircling fence name ephel [ephil]

outer ring, circle name echor [echyr]

outlaws (wolf-people) name gaurwaith 

outline, shape name cant [caint]

outside, without pref. ar-

over, across, beyond pref. thar-

overshadow, dim, veil, obscure vb.gwathra-

own, property name, adj. garn [gern]

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