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habit, custom name haew [haew] 

hack through vb. hasta-

hail name suil [suil]

hail! interj. ai

hair, lock of hair, tress name fîn [fîn]

hairnet, tresses name cathrae [cathrae]

half pref. per-

half adj. perin

Half-Elf name peredhel [peredhil]

Halfling, Hobbit name perian [periain]

Halfling, Hobbit (People) name periannath

hall name tham [thaim]

hall with vaulted roof, cave, vault, vaulted ceiling name rond [rynd]

halt, cessation, pause, respite name post [pyst]

halt, stop vb. dar- 

hammer name dam [daim] 

hammer vb. damma-

hammer name dring [dring]

hand name cam [caim] 

hand name mâb [maib]

handcraft, art, craft name maenas [maenais]

handle, feel, stroke, wield vb. matha-

hand's palm name camlann [cemlain]

handy, skilled adj. flâd [flaid]

handy, skilled adj. maed [maed]

hang, dangle vb. glinga- 

hanging name gling [gling] 

harass, trouble vb. trasta- 

harborage name hobas [hebys]

harbour, anchorage, haven, quiet water name lorn [lyrn]

harbour, haven, pass, strait name lond [lynd]

harbour, haven, small landlocked bay name hûb [huib]

hard, contorted, twisted, knotted, crabbed adj. norn [nyrn]

hare name laboth

harp name gannel [gennil]

harp, play a harp vb. ganna-

harp, play a harp vb. gannada-

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