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cairn, pile of stones name sarnas [sernais]

cake name cram [craim]

call out vb. ialla-

call, name vb. esta-

call, shout, cry out vb. can-

calligrapher name tegilbor

can, be able to vb. pul-

can, be able, hold, have, possess vb. gar-

canopy name daedelu [daedely]

canopy name orthelian [ortheliain]

cape name ras [rais]

cape name rast [raist] (also shortened) in ras

cape, headland name cast [caist]

captain name hest

carpenter, builder, wright name thavron [thevryn]

cat name muig

cat name múr [mýr]

cat name myril [myril]

catch vb. gad-

catch in a net vb. raeda-

causeway name gondrath [gendraith]

cave name fela [fili]

cave, delving, large excavation name gathrod [gethryd]

cave, delving, large excavation name groth [gryth]

cave, delving, large excavation name roth[ryth]

cave, excavation, underground dwelling name grôd [grŷd]

cave, vault, vaulted ceiling, hall with vaulted roof name rond [rynd]

cavern name gath [gaith]

 cavernous adj. raudh [roedh]

center, core, middle name enedh [enidh] 

center, heart, core name nest [nist]

cessation, pause, halt, respite name post [pyst]

chain, iron bond name angwedh [engwidh]

chair name ham [haim]

chamber name sam [saim]

channel (water), watercourse, stream, lode, vein name rant [raint]

chant, sing vb. linna-

charm, enchant, vb. lútha-

charm, enchantment, magic name lûth [luith]

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