Chapter 2

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Jack's POV

"I really need a new job." I told Nate as we sat in his house.

"I can help you look." He offered.

"Oh my fuck, please." I sighed in relief. He nodded and pulled out his computer. We started looking and we haven't really gotten anywhere.

"Oh how about-" Nate started, then cut himself off, "Nope."

"That's enough, I need a break." I sighed and put my phone down, that was filled with job websites. "How are you and Matt?"

"What?" He asked.

"Oh come on, everyone knows you like him." I smiled and nudged his shoulder.

"Yea well, he doesn't like me." He shrugged.

"I call bullshit on that." I stated.

"It's true." Is shook my head in disagreement.

"Ya know what?" I took out his phone and called Matt and put the phone on speaker.

"No no, Jack. No" Nate rushed, "Jack! Sea-"


"Hey Matt! How are ya?" I smirked at Nate.

Good actually, what's up?

"Nate, wanted to know if you wanted to come over to his place to...hang out."

Oh sure! Why didn't he just call me?

"Oh his phone is in the kitchen and was too lazy to get it."

Oh, Yea sure. I'll be over in a bit.

"Cool, see you then, I might have to leave a little early though." I winked at Nate.

Alright, bye.

I hung up the phone and looked at Nate with a smirk on my face.

"I. Hate. You." He stated.

"Awwe, I love you too buddy." I smiled and called for take out.

*Time skip*

There was a knock on the door, meaning it's Matt because, the take out is already here. I grabbed my things and opened the door.

"Oh hey Matt, sorry I really gotta go. There is take out in the kitchen. Bye you two! Have fun, not too much fun though!" I shouted and walked out the door. "I ship it."

I started walking home since I don't have a car and it's pretty close. Pj called me as I was walking home.


"I have it!"

"Have what?"

"There is a Cuddle Buddy app."

"Okay, what does that have to do with me?"

"Ok we all know that you are really energetic when you calm down and relax a little."


"Okay but sometimes all you need is a cuddle."

"Who else have you been talking to this about?"

"Felix, Cry, and Emma..."

I sighed and held the bridge of my nose.

"Come onnnn Jack."

"No. I'm not cuddling with a random stanger."

"But Jack, it might-"

I quickly hung up and stuffed my phone back into my back pocket. I looked at my phone an saw Felix texted me.

From Pewds:
If you change your mind. The app is Cuddle Buddy Comfort.

I shook my head and layed down, it was around 11 pm, and I could not sleep. I looked at the text again...

What could go wrong?

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