Chapter 9

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Mark's POV

It's been about a month since I met Jack and honestly, it has been th happiest month of my life. I plan on asking Jack out on a date, I'm a nervous fuck. I called him and told him to come over around 6 to hang out and it's 6:10...

Did he stand me up? Or does he not like me? Oh shit-

The doorbell rung and I opened it to Jack standing there with two cups, looking down. I coughed and his head snapped up, a smile coming across it as he looks at me.

"S-sorry I'm late. M-my uh, shower took longer t-then I thought." He stumbled over his words and his cheeks tinting red as he explained.

"That's ok, come in." I said opening the door wider. He walked in and turned around.

"Hot chocolate because coffee isn't your thing." He gave me a cup and smiled.

"Thank you very much." I took the cup and lead him to the living room.

"So what's up. I feel like you didn't really wanna just 'hang out'?" He asked.

"Um! S'cuse yoooooou, but I-" I cut myself off as he gave me a look and sighed, "Yea, you're right."

"So what's up?" He asked again and took a seat, patting the seat next to him. I quickly sat down and my leg started bouncing. So was his, but not for the same reasons. He waited patiently for me to say something.

"I wanted to ask you somethings." I started.

"I'm listening." He responded with a little nod. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. He grabbed the same hand and held it in his own, rubbing circles on the back.

"I-I d-didn't want to a-assume anything, b-because that's rude. S-so, I dunno how to ask. Um, I-I wanted to know if- if you're uh- there is no nice way to put this." I rambled.

"Breathe." He simple told me, "Just be blunt, it will be a lot easi-"

"Are you gay?" I cut him off and mentally cursed myself for the way I said it. He slowly removed his hand from mine and covered his face,his shoulders started shaking. "J-Jack? I'm sorry-"

Suddenly cutting me off he removed his hands and his laughter filled the quite area. I was extremely confused. Once he calmed down he grabbed my hand again, which made my relax.

"I thought it was obvious. But since you are so nice to ask, yes I am in fact. Gay." He chuckled. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Oh thank god." I smiled, he smiled back and in a sudden burst of confidence I asked my question, "Would you like to go on a date with"

He nodded and kissed my cheek. "Saturday?"

"Saturday, I'll pick you up at 6, don't take a shower for too long this time." I smirked as his face heated up.

"Yes sir."

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