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She sat tied to a chair, 'great how the fuck did I end up here? Oh! Wait, let me think...' She thought to herself, she groaned, the memory still stuck fresh in her mind.


(Flashback music)

(Y/n) was playing downstairs, she had learned that she could grow and control plants around her. She stopped growing a pink rose in her hand when she heard a thud from upstairs. She ran up the basement stairs, frantically moving from room to room, searching for her parents. She found her mother and father lying on their bedroom floor, blood surrounding them. Her father dead, and her mother barely alive. Laying almost still, but breathing, her mother motioned for. her daughter to come closer.

    "Honey..." Her mother breathed.

    "Mommy!" She yelled, looking at her mother's abdomen, which had been stabbed. She was bleeding to much.

    "Your father and I love you with all our hearts, go to the house next door... Tell Annie and Mitch to call the police. We love you (y/n)..."

Her mother began to cough, and (y/n) was crying. She then felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned to see three men holding guns. Being seven she assumed they were the police, so she followed when they told her everything would be fine. She was lead to a van, and she new that they weren't the police when they didn't help her parents.

    "No! M-my parents, th-they need your help! Please!" She screamed.

Their only response was to shove her into the van, and she never saw her house again. (Y/n) later discovered that the men were working for a group called 'HYDRA.' They had taken her because of her abilities, thinking she possessed more. For years they experimented on her, giving her one more power, that being invisibility, and training her to fight. She became an assassin. But, she still protested, which resulted in punishment. She learned not to show emotion, after crying when she was forced to kill someone, the tears were blurring her vision. She almost missed. Almost.

(Flashback ends)


Now, (y/n) sat still tied to the chair, she was now nineteen. Her mission had failed, she was to simply kill one man, but it didn't go as planned. She was captured, and a HYDRA agent had to come and get her. When they brought her back they punished her, a man was slapping her as she sat, emotionless. The man stopped hitting her when they both heard screaming.

    "The Avengers!" A man yelled from outside their locked room.

    "Don't try anything, I'll be right back." The man in front of her stated, and walked towards the door holding his gun.

The large doors opened, but not from the HYDRA agent. A man in a metal red and gold suit stood before her, swiftly knocking out the man. He walked towards her, and she closed her eyes, for once felling fear.

    "Hey Cap! We've got someone here!" He yelled, she opened her (e/c) eyes to she the man had taken off his mask, his eyes fell to her bruised cheek. A man in a red, white and blue suit soon came into the room. He walked over to her.

    "Would you like to tell me your name ma'am?" They man in the blue suit asked.

    "(Y/n)... Are you here to kill me?" She asked, knowing these people did not work for HYDRA.

    "No ma'am."

    "Then who are you?"

    "Steve Rogers miss."

The man in the red suit then stepped forward, "Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." He stated proudly. Steve Rogers rolled his eyes. "Are you okay?" Steve asked, pointing towards her cheek. "Yeah, they didn't cut me this time, they only punched me." She said. Both men looked worried, and she didn't know what she did.

    "W-what's wrong?" She asked.

    "What did they do to you?" The billionaire asked, stepping out of his suit and untying her hands. She fell silent, not wanting to answer. Steve then decided they should go, so she went with the men. She had no idea where she was going, but anywhere was better, that place was not her home. And it never will be.

Home Sweet Home-Steve Rogers X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now