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"Welcome back." Bruce told her.

She nodded her head and followed Natasha to a large room with a desk and several chairs. Her wrists were wearing the uncomfortable handcuffs, as she trudged along with the Avengers. They all piled into the room, being met by a man wearing an eye patch and a stern expression. "(F/n) (l/n), glad you could join us, I'm Director Fury." The man said, gesturing for her to sit next to Tony. She eyed the seat, and sat down. "Fury, why do we need lady (y/n)?" Thor asked, looking at her.

    "Well, when you decide to show us your little magic trick we thought you could be rather useful." Fury replied looking towards (y/n) with his one good eye.

    "I'm sorry, but I don't do that work anymore." She stated, glaring at him.

    "Ms. (L/n), you won't be doing that kind of work here."

    "Then what kind of work?" She asked, crossing her arms.

    "I want you to join the Avengers, but for the next month we'll require you to remain in a cell for obvious reasons."

    "You can't do that!" She and Tony yelled.

    "Watch me." Fury replied. He walked out of the room and left the Avengers and (y/n) in the room.

She groaned and quickly disappeared, causing Hawkeye's mouth to fall open. "(Y/n), cut it out." Natasha firmly stated. Her only reply was to move her chair back, and sneak up behind Clint. She then reappeared, Tony and Natasha smirked, she then lightly tapped Clint on the shoulder. He jumped when he turned around. "Jesus!" He yelled. Tony and her laughed. "Nice one!" Tony said as you both high fived.


    "So then I basically saved all of New York, and the whole world!" Tony yelled, it had been a week since (y/n) had been first brought to SHIELD'S base, and her cell got upgraded to a small room. The walls were painted a pale shade of her (f/c), and her bed had white sheets and a white pillow. Tony and her had become close friends, but she wasn't sure what that meant. She knew that they could tell each other their secrets, and that they could talk for hours on end, but how did that make them friends?

    "Tony, how are we friends?" She asked him as they sat on her bed next to each other while he taught her some card games.

    "Well, we hang out, and we talk to each other, and friends would help each other out."

    "And we tell secrets?"

    "Only if we want to."

She nodded, feeling happy on the inside knowing Tony wouldn't let anything happen to her, and that she could trust him. But after the last thing he told her, she felt more obligated to show him her other powers. "Tony, what I'm about to show you, you're not allowed to tell the others..." She said. She had always felt ashamed of her abilities, they led HYDRA to her home in the first place, and nobody cared about her power. But she loved it, the fact that she could grow plants amazed her.

    "I promise I won't tell anyone." Tony said.

She held out her hands, and began to form a light blue flower crown, and when she'd finished, she placed it on Tony's head. He stared at her, and smiled. "This is so cool, I should call you Mother Nature." She laughed with him. He kept the crown on for the rest of the day, and when he snuck her out into the cafeteria, everyone looked at him. They both sat down next to the Captain, and Thor. "Hey guys, met me back at my room later, I want to show you something, but don't tell the others." She said. She was going to show them too, now feeling less ashamed about her forgotten ability.

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