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You, Bucky, and Steve began to talk, them telling stories of the war. Bucky told you about how he left HYDRA. You started painting again, Bucky helping you and Steve, causing you to finish earlier. You then moved everything back in place, and went into the main kitchen on another floor to have dinner, but there was one problem, you didn't know how to cook.

    "Uh, guys?" You asked, turning around to face them.

    "Yeah (y/nickname)" Bucky asked.

    "Do either of you know how to cook?"

    "Yeah, Bucky does," Steve replied, this caused Bucky to glare at Steve. "What? It's true, best cook in Brooklyn," he added, Bucky playfully shoved him.

You grinned, looking at Bucky, "do you know how to make (f/food)?" He walked further into the kitchen, and Steve followed. "Sure, Steve can help, and could you go get everyone else, I'm sure they'll want some too." You replied with a quick 'sure', then left to travel along each floor, gathering the Avengers together. Once you got everyone, you all crammed into the elevator.

    "I should have gotten another elevator," Tony muttered as he stood, squished between Thor and Natasha. You were next to Pietro and one of the walls, he choose to stand next to you, unbeknownst to you, Wanda and Tony exchanged knowing glances.

You soon got to the floor, and everyone scrambled out and into the living room, the sweet smell of (f/food) filling the floor. You helped Bucky serve, handing out food to everybody before sitting on a large couch between Steve and Pietro. Once the food was finished you all decided to play a game, unfortunately, Tony had handed out drinks before, and with most of the team drunk, the game was truth or dare.

Sorry this was so short, I wanted to do a separate chapter for truth or dare.


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