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"You Midgardians have strange fashion." Thor said pointing at Tony's crown.

You, Steve, Tony, and Thor were all walking towards your room. Once you entered Tony closed the door, and you sat on your bed. "So, what is it you wanted to show us?" Steve asked. You smirked, "this..." You began to grow a daisy in your hand, then handed it to Thor, who tucked it behind his ear. You grabbed some planters Tony had gotten and grew various flowers, and a small apple tree. You suddenly felt more confident, and turned to look up at Steve, you smiled sheepishly. You were worried they would think you were weak, which was what HYDRA thought, you aren't, but they didn't know that. "Um... So what do you think?" You asked. Thor grinned, "lady (y/n), this is amazing." He then ate an apple from the small tree.

    "It is, but did HYDRA do this to you?" Steve asked.

    "No, I was born with these, HYDRA used them for a bit, but once I could turn invisible they said I would look weak with them towards enemies." You replied.

    "How long ago was that?" He inquired.

    "It's not important..." You trailed off.

    "(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

    "Yeah, I'm fine."

The room fell silent, Tony and Thor both left. Leaving you and the Captain alone. "So... Do you spar?" You asked, trying to change the subject, Steve looked over to you. "Um, yeah." He replied.

    "Great! Let's go." You said. He looked at you with wide eyes.

    "I can't hit a women."

    "Damn well you can Rogers, you're not gonna hurt me."


    "Don't say language, Tony explained everything."

    "Okay, follow me then." He then stood up from your bed and you both made your way out the door, he led you through the hallways and you had turned invisible to avoid agents. You still were technically not supposed to leave your room but you still did, with help from the Avengers of course. He stopped in front of two large doors, then pushed them open. You looked around the large gym in awe. You became visible again right in front of Steve, and he jumped a bit. You loved pulling pranks and such on the Avengers, but HYDRA was still fresh in your mind, and you thought you would get punished. You flinched, awaiting a punch to the face. These moments would happen at random, as you were still getting used to you new surroundings.

Steve looked shocked as you flinched in front of him, the other Avengers noticed that you would do that sort of thing sometimes. "Hey, it's okay." He whispered, taking your hand. You looked up at him, 'shit... He thinks I'm weak!' Your mind seemed to scream at you. You could never let them know how bad things were, how broken you were. Faking a smile you removed your hand from his, the warmth leaving your hand. You stared at it, still feeling his hand in yours. "Right... Should we start?" You asked, changing the subject quickly.

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