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A very high pitched squeal woke you up with a start, you opened your eyes and came face to face with someone's chest, soon realizing that their arms were around you.

    "Their cuddling!" The voice said, followed by another scream, you recognized the voice and scream belonged to Tony. "Who?" Natasha's voice entered the room. "Cap and (y/n)!" Tony stated. Wait, Steve? You looked up to see that he was already awake, "guys," he hissed, and you watched as he glared at Tony. You soon found your voice, "Steve, it's okay, I'm already awake."

    "Oh, I'm sorry (y/n), I didn't mean to wake you," he said, looking down at you.

    "You didn't, Tony's high pitched feminine screams did."

    "Jesus, sorry," Tony said, putting his hands up in defense. "It's okay Tony, I should get up anyway," you spoke, attempting to get up but saw that Steve was still hugging you, "uh, could I... Could you just-" you asked. "Oh, yeah sorry," he said, moving his arms. You got up from where you slept, which you found out to be the couch. You spotted Bucky sitting in one of the chairs smirking at Cap, you walked up to him, "hey Frosty, wanna help make breakfast?"

    "But I thought you couldn't cook?" He asked.

    "I can't but you can," you retorted, smirking as he sighed in defeat.

You both walked into the kitchen and saw Clint, he helped with breakfast, and you all made pancakes and placed them on a large table in the dining room. Everyone ate quickly, and hurried off to whatever they were doing today. Bucky and Steve went for a run, Natasha had a mission, Bruce went to his lab, Wanda and Pietro went to their floor, and Tony disappeared somewhere out of the tower. This left only you and Clint, and you decide to hang out to get to know each other better.

    "Okay, I'm in, where are you?" You asked through your ear piece, crawling through the vents on Tony's floor.

    "Uh, you forgot something Agent Sexy Flower," Clint stated. You groaned.

    "Sorry, Agent Hot Guy, and why did you pick that as my name?"

    "Payback Agent, and I'm at the far north side of the vents, hurry though, Tony will be back soon." He stated, you and him decided to pull a prank on Tony, who apparently painted all of Clint's arrows pink. You, however, were gonna step it up. You saw Clint as you reached the end of the vents.

    "Hey stranger," he said as you began crawling again, him leading the way. "Do you have the supplies?" He questioned, looking back at you. You nodded, and pulled off your backpack, opening it to reveal some perfume, and hot pink paints.

    "Okay, right here, the smell shouldn't go to far, at least not to us anyway," Clint said. And you opened a bottle of the perfume and let it sit, the strong smell slowly creeping it's way towards you and Clint, but you some moved away, placing more perfume in several places.

You reached the end of the vents, and kicked part of the floor, letting it swing as you jumped down unto Tony's floor, Clint landing next to you. You both found Tony's suits, and quickly covered them in the paint. You then left and went back into the vents.

As you traveled along everyone's floors, to find out little secrets for blackmail later (Clint's idea), you heard singing, specifically a guy singing. He was singing a song you didn't recognize, and Clint smirked as he heard it, "damn, I didn't know Cap could sing." He turned around but saw that you weren't really paying attention as you were trying to figure out the words, "what song is this?"

    "Know idea, but I have a better song," he stated. You smirked.

    "Oh? Could you sing it?"

Without warning you heard him start to hum, and then he began singing what sounded like a theme song for himself. "Clint spy, the assassin guy, Clint, Clint, Clint, Clint, Clint spy the assassin spy," and with that he finished, (btw, this is the Bill Nye theme song tune), you laughed. "You like it, we should find you a theme song too," he added, smirking.

    "Uh, I think I'm good, but I have an idea," you said, jumping down from the vents.

    "What?" Clint asked, dropping next to you. You motioned for him to follow, and you pulled out some sticky notes and a pencil as you both walked. You stopped in front of the bathroom door, and each wrote something on a note. You placed them on the door and you both climbed up again, and hurried away.

Steve opened the bathroom door dressed in only a towel around his torso, and spotted two notes on the door.

    'Nice singing Cap'- Hawk

    'Nice singing, come find me later in my room, I want to hang out with you'- (y/n)

He smiled as he read the last note, and went off to go and get changed, and soon went over to (y/n)'s room.

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